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buttons configuration in midibox LC ???


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I dashed there is a few months on the construction of a midibox lc.

For the momment everything works.

I just have a  problem of configuration.

The buttons of my midibox are multimec-3FTL6, the problem is that I does not how  understand to configure these buttons so that the first pressure it has ON is and has the second OFF.

I arrive of the French forum or nobody was able to give me this piece of information

if you have ideas concerning my problem, it would be very nice to inform me about it .

thank you in advance

( Excuse me for my approximate English)

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let me check in the manuals for that switch, i have the mec manuals here.

ok i found the page in my manuals and if you go here you will find the right pdf file : http://www.mec.dk/files/webMPCBandCircuitDiagram.pdf

scroll down to the circuit diagram, as these are single pole switches its an easy connection put the feed into pin 1 or 2 and then the out to pin 3 or 4

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Thank you for your reply

I have controled if connections are correct (when I press on the button, a sysex message is sent via miosstudio) has this level not of probleme.

my probleme is that the contact is mommentary when I press the button , led ignites but that I the relache it turn off.

It seems to me to have read that we could assign has a button a position ON and  OFF like a button mute

_pushed once the led remains switched on the function  is activated

_pushed second time it turn off and the function is stoped

In my case if I want to mute a track,i must let my finger behind

Furthermore, me does not really understand nothing has the programming (or to make the change, that to change?)

I wich to show myself more clear, it is not easy for me because I not mastery not the language :-[

thank you still

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Hello djahan

First: In your reply on your post, you complain after 3 hours, that nobody has answered...c'mon... some of us are working, have families etc.  ;)

To your question:

my probleme is that the contact is mommentary when I press the button , led ignites but that I the relache it turn off.

It seems to me to have read that we could assign has a button a position ON and  OFF like a button mute

_pushed once the led remains switched on the function  is activated

_pushed second time it turn off and the function is stoped

The thing is, that in the MidiBoxLC / Mackie protocol, you don't turn on e.g. the mute LED by pressing the mute button.

Turning the LED on is a feedback from your host software, that the Mute function of this specific channel is engeged. This way, you can turn the mute function on by a mouse click on your host's GUI and the controller will show you this state too.

So... you press Mute on your controller, which sends the message to your host (over MIDI) -> your host soft turns the specified Mute function to "true" and sends this state back to your controller (over MIDI) -> your Mute LED on the controller turns on.

Hope this is a clear description

Greets, Roger

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from what i can gather he is saying that when he presses the button for mute say on the down press the led lights up "on state" then when he lets go it turns off and the mute doesnt stay on. so im guessing hes asking if he should use a latching button for this so that when the button is pressed and released the mute stays in an "on state" then when pressed again goes into the "off state" similar to having a latched button.

im guessing thats what he means from his pigeon english.

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I think, the problem lies in the host's command handling. I'm not shure anymore but I think the LC sends an "off"-command, when the button is released again. He probably just has to configure the host to ignore the "off"-message, so the mute function toggles with each on command.

I can configure this stuff in Sequoia... don't know how it's handled in other applications, neither I know, which app "djahan" is using.

Greets, Roger

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