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MIDIbox64 configuration (UPDATE - In DIRE Need of Help!)


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Hey all! I finally managed to get everything together over the weekend and get my midibox64 triggering stuff on my mac. I currently only have a DIN module connected to the core, so have grounded all the AIN pins etc and it's connected over USB to the GM5.

I've worked with both an edited configuration and the default, but with the same results so far. If I make a connection between the DIN J3's pin D7 and Vs it'll say something about the Bank's etc on the LCD, but I can still assign that to a MIDI command in Traktor, yet none of the other pins will work, even if I set the number of buttons to 4, 8 or 32 in the asm config. I've also had a look at the section that deals with the bank menu buttons, but nothing seemed to correct.

How can I go about changing the config to just make all 64 buttons be MIDI triggers and forget about the banks? The way I've done the layout means that I won't have to swap the MIDI layout at all.

Any help would be amazing! Even if you just have an asm to look at that works with a similar setup.



Edited by MONSTA
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How can I go about changing the config to just make all 64 buttons be MIDI triggers and forget about the banks? The way I've done the layout means that I won't have to swap the MIDI layout at all.

Most simple solution: just upload the MIDIO128 application :)

You will find some additional troubleshooting tips for the DIN module here:


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanks TK, as always! I'd searched everywhere and never saw that page...

I finished up a custom PCB tonight based on the sparkfun button pad boards with just one row of 4 buttons and tested it. If I plug it into J5, J6 or J7 etc they work fine (as long as I haven't pressed the first button before-hand), so I can just skip J3 with the Bank menu as I only need 40 buttons in total.

The only thing left is that when I press and hold the button down, it just keeps sending the MIDI message over and over again, which is not what I need. I want to press it down and it sends the message only once until I let go and press it again. There's a bit in the asm that says quality of button, I think it's set to 32 with 0 being high quality. Would you consider this type of button high quality and is it anything to do with why it's sending so many messages?

I'm searching the forums for an answer to this, but haven't found it yet. Starting to see the end of the tunnel, but I'm sure it'll throw a few things in my face before I get out the other end.

Thanks for all the help again again...


P.s. Attached is the board before etching.


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Ok i've scanned every single post in this category to no avail!

Does anyone know if this is just a configuration problem or possibly a hardware problem? I wouldn't imagine it to be hardware as I've checked all the joints/tracks and the buttons are responding, just sending too many messages.

Here's the diagram of my button pad that I'm using. Ground is the two lines in the middle, each row is connected to a single sil header.

Thanks for any help



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It appears your buttons are constantly making and losing contact - hence the repeated messages. Do you get the same message over and over again or two different ones? Also if you shorten the pads on one button with a piece of wire, does it behave as expected?

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Thanks nILs

I'll check it out tomorrow, but my initial thoughts are that shorting it does the same thing as I tried that originally and I believe it was the same behaviour. The buttons I'm using are just shorting the connection as theres no mechanical elements, it just connect ths vs to the vd etc.

I'll let you know more tomorrow, but I think this is correct.

Thanks for getting back to me


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Ok I had a chance today to test it and this is the output I get if I just short one of the DIN pins to ground (It will just constantly cycle if I keep it shorted).

00000000023283 ms | [97 54 7F] Channel 8: Note On C6 velocity: 127

00000000023325 ms | [97 54 00] Channel 8: Note On C6 velocity: 0

00000000023349 ms | [97 54 7F] Channel 8: Note On C6 velocity: 127

00000000023382 ms | [97 54 00] Channel 8: Note On C6 velocity: 0

00000000023414 ms | [97 54 7F] Channel 8: Note On C6 velocity: 127

00000000023446 ms | [97 54 00] Channel 8: Note On C6 velocity: 0

Anyone have an idea whats going on with this?



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What happens if you pull IC1 of the DINX4 module out of the socket, and connect pin 9 (QH pin) directly to ground (Vs) or +5V (Vd)

I would expect 128 "on" events if connected to ground, and 128 "off" events if connected to 5V without retriggers. Can you confirm this?

Please use MIDIO128 for testing, as on the MB64 firmware this experiment could cause unintended menu operations (like a snapshot)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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No, it works like expected. :)

I haven't mentioned the Pull-Up resistor R9 of the core module, which will pull the input voltage to 5V if the pin is not connected to ground. Accordingly, connecting the input pin to 5V doesn't make a difference anymore. So, your core and the MIDIO128 application is working correctly.


I also made up a new AINX and have the same results...

Do you really mean a MBHP_AINX4, or MBHP_DINX4 module?

An AIN module (Analog Input) would be the wrong one.

Are the MIDI events still retriggered if QH is permanently connected to ground?

If not: do you still notice the same issue as you described before with the new DINX4 module?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 1 month later...

Arghh! I double checked everything today before getting back to you properly. I did mean DINX, sorry about that ;)

Ok so connecting QH to ground (and also releasing) writes midi messages to MIOSStudio IN Monitor. If I leave it like that with IC1 out and connect say R9 to VS on J5 nothing happens in the In Monitor...

This is really doing my head in now, I just want to get to a stage where I can trigger some midi events properly :P

I will be buying a new core at some point for the second controller, but would really like to problem solve this one instead of chucking it. The other Dinx I made also has the same problem! I think it's wired up properly, but maybe I messed up the pull up resistors which are hard to 100% check in the images.

Any ideas anyone? I'm about to cry!


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