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Frontpanel and case questions


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Hi y'all!

First of all I got some questions about about cases. Which type of case would you prefer for a SIDBox? A 19" rack uni, a dektop unit or some suit-case type of fold-me-up-unit?  :)

The other thing is, since I'm usually more the programming and graphic guy, I keep creating new frontpanels for all sorts of cases. If y'all don't mind I'd like to post some - so you could give me a little feedback on what is ergonomic and what just plain sucks  ;)

Thanks in advance for your replies!

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Ok, you asked for it  ;D


This is the headunit sort of. Apparently to be mounted in a 19 inch rack. Would cost about 90€ to have it lasercut.


Sort of the patchbay with support for 8 banksticks and 4 audio ins and outs.

I'll post more later on, gotta go to work now  :'(

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Ok, you encouraged me way too much.  ;) So here are a few more.


Just the colored version of the 19" rack unit with some minor changes.


This is sort of a desktop unit. It's the size of those standard tool-boxes (the suitcase type). I figure they'll make a pretty good case since they're cheap made of steel, aluminium,... and it's basically impossible to destroy 'em.


Same as above, but with some graphical stuff on it. Looks cool, but all the colors substract too much, imho.

Well, let me have some feedback, please. Critic is welcome, too  :-/

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Nat: What program did you use to design the panels?

For creating basic ideas I use "Front Panel Designer 3.1". The more graphical stuff was done in "Micrografx Picture Publisher 10" and "Micrografx Designer 9".

Pretty cool tools, all of them.  :D

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Ok, one last one for today  ;) This one illustrates, what I was talking about when I said "fold-me-up".


What I think is cool about it: You have a huge amount of surface, while the unit is still not aking up that much space when packed together. I live in a 52m2 flat with my girl-friend, so space is important  ;)

Ok, I'll shut up for today  :-X

/edit: It's late. Put in the wrong link for the picture. *yawn* Gotta go sleep. Man I hate those MidiBoxes...  ;)

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if you let the bottom panel in this position ..... you won't close your wallet

I know, I was just too lazy to do all the work involved in making it look correct. You still got the idea, didn't you  ;)

and more : you steal my black panel idea !!

Well, no  :D  I stole it from ROLAND. See:


Ok, I'm off till Thursday, so no more pics till then  ;D

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Tho lasercutting that would be pretty expensive i reckon

True. The big one would cost about 100 EUR and the two small ones about 40 EUR each. If I don't eat for a month, I can have them lasercut =)

But since there are basically only holes, I can do that myself, too. Lucky me, no sliders  ;)

/edit: spelling ;)

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