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Prophet 5 using 64E Core

Fozzy The Bear

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Yeah! Thanks for the link Mike... Unfortunately, he'll only ship to Australia, and even if he did ship international, I'm guessing the shipping cost on something that weight would be a killer sending it as far as the UK, and make it a bit less of a good deal.

Still outside the very small, near non existent budget.

I'm still struggling to find control knobs that are even close to correct. Rogan, the original manufacturers won't take an order for their G-11 Knobs of less than 500 and the Taiwanese outfit that were making the replicas want a ridiculous near to $4USD per knob! So I have a feeling that I'll still have to make my own.

PB86 Switches, I did find a source for, and got a bulk load quite cheap, but only in black, so I have a feeling I might have to paint some of those.

Control panel I'm working on the artwork for. I have a feeling that it might be way way cheaper to have a Lexan laminated overlay printed, than to get the panel screened. Visually it shouldn't look much different.

Best Regards,

Julian (Fozzy The Bear)

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Maybe theese one could be OK:

Thanks! I did have a look at those, they're a little bit under size on the diameter and height, but only by a small amount and the outer grip surface is not quite right on them, but, close.

The tops look almost right though. They're certainly cheap enough. I may use them as a temporary measure until I can get the correct ones. Thanks!

In fact that's the same seller that I got the PB86 switches from: PB86 Switches Although I only bought 50 and I negotiated a better price than that for them.

Best Regards,

Julian (Fozzy The Bear)

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The PB86 Switches advertised on e-bay by some of the Chinese vendors as Prophet / Sequential switches are incorrectly described!! They give the wrong panel dimensions. The ones delivered to me today are way too wide. In fact they measure 17.5mm X 17.5mm and as Mike said earlier in the thread they look like Oberheim ones.

The correct switches are in fact the PB87 switch which does have the correct size top on it. Please check this if you are ordering any as the vendors are putting the wrong dimensions on their e-bay descriptions.

Best Regards,

Julian (Fozzy The Bear)

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  • 2 months later...


Finally got a bit more progress done on this project. The wood case is now nearly completed. I'll try and upload some pictures of that in a few days or so.

In the meantime, I started work on the electronics. The attachment below is the strip-board layout for a DIN X8 Module. This puts both of the DIN X4 modules onto one board, which is much better inside the machine. It's also cheaper than using the pre made DIN X4 PCB's although it doesn't look as pretty.


I will actually be using two of these... One attached to the first core and acting as the keyboard controller... 61 Note Keys Plus 3 AUX buttons used to switch Midi Channel. The second one will be attached to core 2 and handle all of the front panel buttons.

I'm posting up the strip-board layout in case anybody else finds it useful. The board is 61 Holes X 35 Strips.... You could possibly shrink the size a bit further but the layout would get very cramped.

Best Regards,

Julian (Fozzy The Bear)

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  • 8 months later...

WOW..... Just realised that it was last May, that I last updated the progress on this one.

Lots of things have been happening in life as well as with synths.... First of all I've been very unwell and been in hospital twice. Which kind of completely halted the progress. But it has given me time to think about how to best achieve the results I need from this project.

In synths... I've acquired a few new (well second hand ones anyway) since last May. A Novation "Supernova 2" rack, Which is possibly (IMHO) the best VA synth on the planet (except of course the Access Virus TI, which I still want)... Mind you that said, it's taken Access 10 years to get round to copying the modulation capabilities of the Supernova.

I also acquired an EMU ESI4000 sampler, which is like rocket science compared to my old Casio FZ1. Very nice sounding filters on it.

The other new bit of kit I acquired is a Novation KS Rack, which while it's based on the Supernova architecture is not great, and to my ears sounds a bit dull and lifeless. I've only had it two weeks and already I'm seriously thinking about selling it to fund something else instead. It's not a bad synth... Just that it's not one that suits me personally. I know a lot of people love them.

On the Prophet 5 replica front, I'm now ready to push on with it, and try and get it completed before the end of the year, if I can. So sorry for the delay and the lack of updates.

Best Regards,

Julian (Fozzy The Bear)

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Anything to show us Julian ?

Sorry I'm afraid not at the moment..... The project is still in progress, but I've had quite a few problems to deal with in real life. Not been able to get back onto this project fully just yet.

I promise to update you guys on this soon! I'm still planning to get this finished completely before the end of the year. Or at least I hope I can.

Best Regards,

Julian (Fozzy The Bear)

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