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Everything posted by HUROLURA

  1. This one could be the alternate an easier way to achieve our goal guys: https://makeproaudio-shop.myshopify.com/products/dino-park-board
  2. Et l'aftertouch a son message propre en MIDI (ce n'est pas un CC). C'est pareil pour le Pitchbend qui a son message spécifique. Par contre la plupart du temps la molette de modulation agit sur le CC 1. Souvent vélocité et aftertouch jouent donc directement sur les paramètres du synthé ... sans passer par la case MIDI CC
  3. Great to discover now that there is quite some progress on the MIDIBOX / ASX combo !!! I will come back to that topic as soon as I could find time for it.
  4. Cool one, is the stepseq part a MIDIseq add-on to the standard MIDI CC control or do you also remote control a Scope stepseq ?
  5. Great news. By the way, I happen to already have some STM32F4Discovery boards ...
  6. Added my name for the 75th board !!!
  7. I finally succeed to edit the page and add myself to the list ...
  8. I would also like to get in for 1 PCB but cannot edit the WIKI (as usual my password works on the forum side but not on the wiki pages)
  9. Part received yesterday Thanks a lot !!!
  10. I just hacked my Bliptronic to install a Bliptronome v2 to be able to use it as OSC/MIDI device. Just noticed that the connector from the removed board from the Bliptronic 5000 are just the same as thoose necessary for the ASX. So now, I do not even need to source them !!! :rolleyes: Still figuring out how I could relaunch the project. Could also be a nice app for LPC17 prototype testing ...
  11. Congratulations, one of the smartest MIDIBOX inside keyboard I ever saw. +1 for MidiBox of the Week.
  12. The only information I could find so far is there (quite usefull though): http://www.modularsynthesis.com/cvs/cvs3.htm Does any of you ever try to interface this smart looking ribbon to a MidiBox ?
  13. Maybe the use of "modules" is the best way to keep the device modular. The DIN and DOUT board are quite small. But I agree with you that a mixed DIN/DOUT combining features of DIN and DOUT on a single module would be a nice idea and could lead to a new contribution here. A big motherboard would probably be expensive because of small quantity and big size !!!
  14. Anything to show us Julian ? Best regards
  15. Hi there, do you still have spare ?
  16. Got mine in France Today MUCHAS VIELEN THANKS BEAUCOUP
  17. Thanks for the update info. Which one will be there ??? :rolleyes:
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