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Is the STM32 based Core available in Europe


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I've a deja vu... we had this discussion some time ago:

Wilba wrote the conclusion at the end of this article - it's still valid.

So, if you only want to save shipping costs (because you won't get the PCBs/kits cheaper if you run a bulk order, SmashTV already offers best prices), then search for people to join the order in *your country* to share the international shipping costs (US $30), and to reduce local shipping costs.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Is the STM32 based Core PCB or kit available in Europe ?

Yes or no, it's that simple Thorsten.

Yes, it's available IN Europe, by ordering from SmashTV.

No, it's not available FROM Europe, if that's what you're asking.

it's that simple!


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Several features of the MBHP_CORE_STM32 module are missing, like 5V->3.3V voltage converters, USB socket, MIDI sockets, LCD voltage converter, etc.

Why do you think that this is a good replacement?

What are you planning to do exactly with the STM32?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Oh TK, you beat me to it... I was going to say:

... a replacement for what ???

It costs much the same as a CORE32 but doesn't include any of the voltage regulation, LCD interfacing electronics or MIDI ports and wouldn't easily interface with any of the existing MBHP modules......


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Could it be a replacement for...

Isn't that a question ?

It should as I intended. Ok, yeah I forgot the '?'

I'm still Newbie.

>What are you planning to do exactly with the STM32?

I released already something about that on this forum,

seems you don't read everything too.

I can except that, but not if you wont others todo so.

>It costs much the same as a CORE32 but doesn't...

Well if USD $24.90 = USD $80.45 then indeed much the same ?!

It is preconfigured (didn't count the hours work, yet).

I don't wont to offend or have any criticism on the MBHP_CORE_STM32 !

Yet to me I hate cables and that just my problem.

Now, (and this will possibly show up elsewhere too)

I intend to build a hardware editor comparable with the Midibox UC.

But... I already know that I'm not able to do all without help.

My thougth :

It must be a modular concept, as each synth has a different

number of parameters to be edited.

One module should become a bit like half a Novation Remote.


The module is a complete thing, working on it's own or connected

to a master module which does transform the simple commands

from each module to more complex sysex, memory position,

storage, etc.

(The master... maybe a VGA output for EG's figures, touch sensitive input...)

Each of these modules can be plugged above or beside the other.

Plugged without cables (hmmmm) but with card-edge-connectors.

This way one can build a specific editor, or build one

that could be used for many synths.

That's it for now (and...)


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<disclaimer>Please ignore my admin/mod status for a sec and read this as a reply from a regular member:</disclaimer>


I most certainly hope this is just a language barrier thing, but your attitude is really starting to annoy me.

Yes or no, it's that simple Thorsten.

Seriously? I mean, come one.

I released already something about that on this forum,

Where? You have 7 posts. 5 of which are in THIS thread. The other two are random "ooh this is cool" posts.

seems you don't read everything too.

Seems you don't have any idea how much is written here every day.

I can except that, but not if you wont others todo so.

How nice of you to accept that others aren't reading everything. The difference is - you want something from us - hence it's common courtesy to do your homework first and check if the question has been asked before.

Yet to me I hate cables and that just my problem.

And with the stamp thingie you'll have less cables? lol.


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I released already something about that on this forum,

seems you don't read everything too.

I can except that, but not if you wont others todo so.

Ok, seems that I can't help you - I'm out.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Although it is against my better judgement as I like nILS live in hope that this is indeed a language barrier problem I am going to respond to this (funny how sarcasm seems to work in any language though.....)

>It costs much the same as a CORE32 but doesn't...

Well if USD $24.90 = USD $80.45 then indeed much the same ?!

It is preconfigured (didn't count the hours work, yet).

A Core32 PCB with pre-soldered STM32 chip is $25.95. Add about $3 for the crystal, capacitors and resistors and you have something that is functionally equivalent to the Stamp that you mentioned. You would need to be a VERY slow solderer to take hours to solder this handful of through hole components.

I calculate a complete Core32 parts kit (with all other components, PCB and STM32) to only cost $45.95 from SmashTV


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>...this is indeed a language barrier

Probably look for yourself now in my language (Dutch) :

Iemand gemaand Tobsen wonend in Europa zoals ikzelf,

trachtte een meervoudige aankoop te organiseren.

In plaats van die persoon te laten doen of helpen

werden er enkel maar opmerkingen gegeven.

Ja, die administrators weten hier blijkbaar alles.

Als Tobsen 50 of 50000 PCB's wil bestellen bij Smash,

wie zijn jullie dan om je daarmee te bemoeien.

Tobsen heeft mogelijk meer ervaring met al die

dingen dan jullie, zoniet dan had hij zelf iets kunnen

bijleren (met schade en schande, zo gaat het leven).

Verder wil ik hier (liever) geen tijd meer insteken.

Als mensen mekaar slecht willen verstaan, lukt dat altijd.

>1. tobsen did not ask SmashTV if he could run this bulk order before

>announcing it, therefore I declare this bulk order invalid.

Ja, die administrators mogen hier ook alles.

Ja ik verwacht nu wel... daaaaag


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