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MB SEQ V3 with 2 midi IN and 4 midi OUT


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i am discovering this website and i love it !

as a real newbie, i appologize if my question is a silly one, but i swear i am searching everywhere to get answers for my project.

Enough talks, i would Like to build a mb seq v3.

This is my first project and i believe v4 will be to hard for me.

I would like to build a default one, a basic one, the one with 44 buttons and 31 leds, no more !

BUT, and that is why i am writing, i would like it with 2 Midi IN and 4 Midi OUT.

i am ok with the first Midi IN and OUT plug with the Core as internal.

i need 1 complete mbhp iic midi module for the Second Midi IN and OUT and i plug J4 from the core to J2 from the midimodule (stop me if i am wrong !).  

and there is my question : 

how do i plug the third and fourth Midi OUT with a mbhp iic midi module "only out" version ? J2 with J2 ?

how do i check the midi adress of this 2 modules without J3 port ?

Since 3 weeks i am reading this website and the uccaps's one, i am almost ready to start, but this stuff of midi out stucks me ...

Hope my post is not to long.... 

thank you everyone !

Edited by mastomo
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Firstly, as the CORE32 PCB is supplied by SmashTV with the STM32 presoldered, it is no more difficult to construct than the CORE8.

Obviously though, mb_seq_v3 has been more thoroughly tested and most of the bugs have been ironed-out over the last few years whereas v4 is still in a beta stage and pretty new!

In answer to your question, MBHP_IIC modules are daisy-chained (IIC is a bus topology) and each IIC module must have a unique address (selected by J3). The best option is probably to use ribbon cable with IDC connectors as you can then put as many connectors on cable as you need.

Another point though, as the CORE32 has 2 MIDI in and out ports, if you did go for it, you would only need 2 MBHP_IIC modules.....



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at first, no apologizes are necessary! :-)

That´s right, you must connect J4 and J2 ..and for the Midi-In function you need additionally still a connection between Pin 1 on the Core and R1 on J2

see also here:


But one suggestion:

You should take the STM32 Version ...

you have 2 In and 2 Outs on the board without using IIC Module .. that spare many times for you and save Money!

And don´t forget a USB plug for Midi and Softwareupdates

The V4 Version of the SEQ is more flexible as the old one V3 ... Drumtrack´s .. more Layer´s more Step´s .... more more more. :-)

All is compatible with the old Design ....

all this for 25,99 USD + parts, the STM32 is presoldered!

Look here:

SmashTV´s Shop

Ok now is up to you.... :-)

have fun....


Edited by Schrittmacher
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Hello Mastomo,

This is my first project and i believe v4 will be to hard for me.

I have build a V3 that i have updated to V4 and i can tell you that building a V4 is easier than a V3:

-The display connection (common source of trouble) on V4 is much easier on V4 than on V3 as the pinning is 1:1

-You do not need an 8x bankstick SD Card instead

-Despite that the V4 is much more powerful than the V3, it is also easier to customize

as V4 has a config file for the hardware configuration that is automatically loaded, while you have to recompile the Hex File after changes on V3!

-You can upload code over USB or Midi (Midi is more critical as your Midi Interface could cause problems,

and the optocoupler on the MIDI in of the core seems to be a quiet fragile part)

Best Regards


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Philetaylor, Schrittmacher, Gridracer, many thanks for your quick answers.

As all off you told me the same things, i am going to read much more about V4, schematics, hardware options and everythings. 

That is really nice feeling your help !

I will tell you about this project.

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well, all of you seems to be perfectly right !

SEQ V4 seems easiers to build than V3

and of course much more powerfull.

So, i will try to build one.

another subject, i added my name for the wilba's PCB bulk order.

But i think i will have to wait, because the last bulk order was in january...

best regards.

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  • 5 months later...


just a short message because my seq V4 is done !

I am really happy of course, and the choise of the v4 was the right one : i cant imagine the seq without the drumtrack, without USB,...

Thanks again for your precious advice.

Wish you a nice summer

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Congratulations! Now we want to see pictures! :flowers:

fair enough !

here is some with my 2 Synth from Vermona.

i am not really proud of the ugly design...

but it works.

as i was not sure to be able to finish this project, i do not spend too much money with the design. but now, things are different.

i will find a way to make it looking cool :-)

moreover, i love this community and i must admit that the amount of knowledge is amazing.

best regards




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