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Playing MIDI files through the Sammich


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I'm trying to play some MIDI files through the Sammich. Bach inventions, to be specific.

The composition are only two voices, so they should sound great through the Sammich.

I know I could do this easily with the multi engine, but is is possible to do it through the lead engine? For example, can I set up the Sammich so that anything sent over channel 1 only goes to OSC1 and channel 2 goes to OSC 2?

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You mean SID1 and SID2??

Lead engine uses all 3 oscs in one patch, so i guess your plan will not work. The patch can be stereo (SID1 and SID2 will play the same, but with a stereo effect), or it can be mono (SID1 and SID2 plays alike). But if you want more 'sound' you could mess around with ensembles in multi-mode - I'm sure you could have chn1 go to osc1/2/3 (SID1) and chn2 go to osc4/5/6 (SID2)

The ensemble-concept is pretty easy to grasp with a bit of practice - http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual_e.html

...i did not do a lot of patch programming with MBSIDv2 yet, so i might be way off here :) please leave feedback about your discoveries

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The Lead engine is essentially a single voice instrument, that can optionally control two SIDs in a stereo pair configuration. While you can vary a lot of the parameters between the left and right SIDs (even change the oscillators pitch, waveforms, modulation etc.), it's still a single voice, responding to a single MIDI channel.

You can setup the Multi engine so that the left and right SIDs each play three layered single-oscillator instruments, assigned to separate MIDI channels.

In the Ensemble, setup the instruments so that Instrument 1,2,3 have Channel 1, Instrument 4,5,6 have Channel 2.

Then in the Config menu of the patch, turn off Poly for all the Instruments.

What should happen is MIDI channel 1 will play three instruments simultaneously on the left SID, and MIDI channel 2 will play three instruments on the right SID. You can then tweak the parameters of each instrument in the patch to get a fatter sound (i.e. change transpose, finetune, envelope etc.).

BTW I just noticed a bug with this setup that sometimes a note will stop playing (or sound wrong) if you play more than one note at a time... i.e. one key down while you press another key. It doesn't happen all the time, though. I think it's just the ADSR bug... because the init patch for Multi has a release of 10.

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