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MIOS Studio 2.2.2 is available now


  • selected Device ID now properly handled by MIOS Terminal -- important if you are using the new MIOS32 Bootloader V1.005 (and higher)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

  • 7 months later...

MIOS Studio 2.2.3 is available now


  • MIDI IN/OUT monitor translates the MIDI event into text format! :)
  • Keyboard and upload panel not resized anymore. This has the advantage that the terminal and MIDI monitor panel can be enlarged quickly without re-adjusting the other panels (disadvantage: Upload and Keyboard window can't be hidden anymore, but I can live with that - still searching for a better solution...)
  • MBHP_MF_NG SysEx tool supports new operating modes of firmware v1_001

    Silent update MIOS Studio 2.2.4
    • MBHP_MF_NG SysEx tool supports new operating modes of firmware v1_002
    • Best Regards, Thorsten.

  • 4 months later...

MIOS Studio 2.3.0 is available now


  • MBHP_MF_NG tool: support for MIDI channel selection (requires firmware v1.3)
  • added SysEx Librarian for MIDIbox SID V2 (requires firmware v2.41!!), MIDIbox FM V1 (requires firmware v1.4e!), MIDIbox 808 (requires firmware v1.3!!) and Waldorf Blofeld.
    I can add more synths (also unrelated to MIDIbox projects) on request if they support a simple way to exchange patches

    Screenshot of the new SysEx Librarian which is available under "Tools":

    • for handling MIDIbox SID patches correctly, you need firmware version v2.041 or higher!
    • for handling MIDIbox 808/Dr patches correctly, you need firmware version v1.3 or higher!
    • Best Regards, Thorsten.

  • added SysEx Librarian for MIDIbox SID V2 (requires firmware v2.41!!), MIDIbox FM V1 (requires firmware v1.4e!), MIDIbox 808 (requires firmware v1.3!!) and Waldorf Blofeld.
    I can add more synths (also unrelated to MIDIbox projects) on request if they support a simple way to exchange patches

The Virus B and/or C are good candidate? Can I help with this?


The Virus B and/or C are good candidate? Can I help with this?

yes, it's feasible since the Virus sysex format is well documented (e.g. under http://www.waf80.de/virus/sysex.html) and looks simple; it matches with my data model.

Could you please send me a SysEx dump of a complete bank, so that I can try it out (I've to ensure that the checksum calculation is working correctly)

Best Regards, Thorsten.


yes, it's feasible since the Virus sysex format is well documented (e.g. under http://www.waf80.de/virus/sysex.html) and looks simple; it matches with my data model.

Could you please send me a SysEx dump of a complete bank, so that I can try it out (I've to ensure that the checksum calculation is working correctly)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

For convenience I simply downloaded this Virus B bank off the Access website: (attached rar file containing *.syx)

Let me know if this is adequate for your purposes. Thanks.

HS Virus B - Bank F.rar

  • 1 month later...

MIOS Studio 2.3.1 is available now


  • SysEx Librarian supports Virus B & C
  • PIC .hex loader supports old (non MIOS based) projects
  • improved robustness of PIC firmware upload when application crashed (or a non-MIOS based firmware is running)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

  • 1 month later...

MIOS Studio 2.4.0 is available now

It now provides a very useful filebrowser, which is supported by the latest MIDIbox SEQ and MIDIO128 releases:


The "Update" button retrieves the directory structure. Once it has been read, files and directories can be selected in the directory tree.

Existing files can be downloaded to your computer at a speed of ca. 40..50 kb/s.

New files can be uploaded from your computer at a speed of ca. 10..20 kb/s.

The edit functions allow to modify files in text or binary (hex) format, which is really helpful for quick changes on application specific configuration files without disconnecting the SD Card from the core, or enabling the MSD driver (which would deactivate USB MIDI).

Have fun! :)


Thanks, TK! The file browser is very helpful (also the Virus sysex support! :-)) :sorcerer:

Everything is running fine here - bootloader .10, newest MIOS studio, latest SEQ from subversion :)



  • 2 weeks later...

MIOS Studio 2.4.1 is available now

This time only two minor changes:

- the filebrowser editor doesn't close anymore if the file has been saved - means: you can do successive edits and send them to the core without re-opening the file again and again...

- previous MIDI IN/OUT port selection won't get lost if MIOS Studio was opened while the selected ports were not available.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Posted (edited)

Hi tk,

Very very nice work. Please would you add also a raw "custom sysex library", where i can simple read out from PIC18F452, PIC18F4620, PIC18F4685?:

- FLASH (send, receive, load, save)

- EEPROM (send, receive, load, save)

- BANK 1..8 (32k/64k) (send, receive, load, save)

- RAW Receive (receive, save)

I know that I can do it all via Request-Commands in SysEx Tool, but that could be a way simpler and it can used for every 8/16bit PIC type.

Greets greets,


Edited by Rio


I can't add this, because the Librarian is not prepared to handle multiple SysEx blocks as a single patch. Such an enhancement would be too difficult and it isn't really worth the effort.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Posted (edited)


Ah ok, no problem and that shall not give you a lot of trouble ;)

My thoughts went more in the direction to have an easier/comfortable alternative for getting FLASH, EEPROM, BANK1..8 (e.g. with a simple click on a button or combobox) instead of input/load special request command in the send-field sysex tool. But the result would be the same.

greets, rio

Edited by Rio
  • 2 weeks later...

MIOS Studio 2.4.2 is available now
Again only cosmetic enhancements:
1) the main panel components are resized correctly when the window is stretched
2) it's possible to select the components which should be displayed:
Best Regards, Thorsten.


Hi TK,

thanks for the update, I really like the new file browser.

Is it possible to add the multi bank to the Blofeld librarian?

I have been using this a lot since I got the keyboard version.


Happy New Year





I do not know how it happened, but I missed the fact, thah MIOS Studio has implemented liblarian functionality. It would be great if you could also add a novation nova / supernova synth - unfortunately midi implementation of this synth was never documented, but there are java classes in jsynthlib, so this should not be difficult to make it.


I also have many ideas how you can to improve liblarian, but I realize that this is not the main functionality of the MIOS Studio, so I will not pollute the thread.





Hi Przemek,


after my experiences with the Virus functions I think it's better if I only support synths which I own by myself anymore - so that I can test the implementation by myself.

In long term I will probably take over the same "string based SysEx definition language" which I'm using in MIDIbox NG to simplify the customization. Then it could even be enhanced by users. :)




I also have many ideas how you can to improve liblarian, but I realize that this is not the main functionality of the MIOS Studio, so I will not pollute the thread.


Thanks! ;-)

Main intention of this Librarian is to give MIDIbox SID/FM users a reliable way to upload/download patches - everything else is nice-to-have, but will be handled with very low priority by myself.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

  • 3 months later...

MIOS Studio 2.4.4 is available now

  • switched to most recent Juce release v2.0.38 in the hope that it fixes some MIDI issues reported in the past from users with "exotic" OS installations
  • MIOS Terminal: you can now browse through the command history with the up/down cursor keys

Best Regards, Thorsten.


Just FYI: on my STM32-based MIDIbox NG v1.022, issuing the 'help' command in the terminal gets me an error message, see below. Not necessarily an issue, but maybe I'm the only one around with that combination?


[1242.871] help
[1243.103] Welcome to MIDIbox NG V1.022!
[1243.103] Following commands are available:
[1243.103]   system:                           print system info
[1243.103]   memory:                           print memory allocation info
[1243.103]   sdcard:                           print SD Card info
[1243.105]   sdcard_format:                    formats the SD Card (you will be asked for confirmation)
[1243.105]   network:                          print network info
[1243.106]   set dhcp <on|off>:                enables/disables DHCP
[1243.107]   set ip <address>:                 changes IP address
[1243.107]   set netmask <mask>:               changes netmask
[1243.107]   set gateway <address>:            changes gateway address
[1243.108]   set osc_remote <con> <address>:   changes OSC Remote Address
[1243.109]   set osc_remote_port <con> <port>: changes OSC Remote Port (1024..65535)
[1243.109]   set osc_local_port <con> <port>:  changes OSC Local Port (1024..65535)
[1243.110]   set osc_mode <con> <mode>:        changes OSC Transfer Mode (0..4)
[1243.111]   set udpmon <0..4>:                enables UDP monitor (verbose level: 0)
[1243.111]   keyboard <1|2> (or kb <1|2>):     print current configuration of given keyboard number
[1243.113]   set kb <1|2> debug <on|off>:      enables/disables debug mode (not stored in EEPROM)
[1243.113]   set kb <1|2> note_offset <0-127>: selects the note offset (transpose)
[1243.113]   set kb <1|2> rows <0-16>:         how many rows should be scanned? (0=off)
[1243.115]   set kb <1|2> velocity <on|off>:   keyboard supports break and make contacts
[1243.115]   set kb <1|2> release_velocity <on|off>: keyboard supports NoteOff velocity
[1243.115]   set kb <1|2> optimized <on|off>:        make contacts only scanned if break contacts activated
[1243.117]   set kb <1|2> dout_sr1 <0-32>:            selects first DOUT shift register (0=off)
[1243.117]   set kb <1|2> dout_sr2 <0-32>:            selects second DOUT shift register (0=off)
[1243.119]   set kb <1|2> din_sr1 <0-32>:             selects first DIN shift register (0=off)
[1243.119]   set kb <1|2> din_sr2 <0-32>:             selects second DIN shift register (0=off)
[1243.119]   set kb <1|2> din_key_offset <0-127>:    selects the key offset between DIN1 and DIN2
[1243.121]   set kb <1|2> din_inverted <on|off>:     DINs inverted?
[1243.121]   set kb <1|2> break_inverted <on|off>:   Only break contacts inverted?
[1243.121]   set kb <1|2> delay_fastest <0-65535>:   fastest delay for velocity calculation
[1243.123]   set kb <1|2> delay_fastest_black_keys <0-65535>: optional fastest delay for black keys
[1243.123]   set kb <1|2> delay_fastest_release <0-65535>: opt. fastest release delay for velocity calculation
[1243.124]   set kb <1|2> delay_fastest_release_black_keys <0-65535>: opt.fastest release delay for black keys
[1243.125]   set kb <1|2> delay_slowest <0-65535>:   slowest delay for velocity calculation
[1243.125]   set kb <1|2> delay_slowest_release <0-65535>: slowest release delay for velocity calculation
[1243.127]   set midimon <on|off>:             enables/disables the MIDI monitor
[1243.127]   set midimon_filter <on|off>:      enables/disables MIDI monitor filters
[1243.127]   set midimon_tempo <on|off>:       enables/disables the tempo display
[1243.127]   router:                           print MIDI router info
[1243.129]   set router <node> <in-port> <off|channel|all> <out-port> <off|channel|all>: change router setting
[1243.130]   set mclk_in  <in-port>  <on|off>: change MIDI IN Clock setting
[1243.130]   set mclk_out <out-port> <on|off>: change MIDI OUT Clock setting
[1243.131]   testaoutpin:    type this command to get further informations about this testmode.
[1243.131]   caliaout:       type this command to get further informations about this testmode.
[1243.133]   testlcdpin:     type this command to get further informations about this testmode.
[1243.133]   set dout <pin> <0|1>:             directly sets DOUT (all or 0..255) to given level (1 or 0)
[1243.134]   set debug <on|off>:               enables debug messages (current: on)
[1243.135]   set autoload <on|off>:            enables autoload after filebrowser upload (current: on)
[1243.135]   save <name>:                      stores current config on SD Card
[1243.136]   load <name>:                      restores config from SD Card
[1243.137]   show file:                        shows the current configuration file
[1243.137]   show pool:                        shows the items of the event pool
[1243.138]   show poolbin:                     shows the event pool in binary format
[1243.139]   show id <element>:<id>            shows informations about the given element id (e.g. BUTTON:1)
[1243.139]   show hw_id <element>:<hw_id>      shows informations about the given element hw_id (e.g. BUTTON:1)
[1243.141]   lcd <string>:                     directly prints a string on LCD (can be formatted!)
[1243.141] (ERROR: string passed to MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage() is longer than 100 chars!
[1243.141]   msd <on|off>:                     enables Mass Storage Device driver
[1243.144]   reset:                            resets the MIDIbox (!)
[1243.144]   help:                             this page
[1243.144]   exit:                             (telnet only) exits the terminal

The cursor keys do a great job, thanks for that!

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