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Virtual MIDIbox SEQ V4 for iPad


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Get some inspirations from the MBCV Lemur template: http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fprocessing%2Fmidibox_cv_v2%2Flemur%2F

It has nothing to do with the future hardware control surface, but entering parameters is optimized for touchscreen usage.

You could try out the communication with the core by uploading the MBCV app - just contact it via Ethernet or USB-MIDI->Lemur Daemon

The protocol is based on NRPNs, because they are easy to decode within Lemur.

Basically we've get and set functions for each parameter, see also: http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fprocessing%2Fmidibox_cv_v2%2Fsrc%2Fcomponents%2FMbCv.cpp

The routing to the CV channels is done here:


Also look into the NRPN dump function, because it's an essential feature: whenever a certain CV channel is selected on the Lemur app, MBCV dumps all parameters to the Lemur template in order to update the control elements. This ensures, that all knobs are up-to-date, even if the user loads a new patch.

For a similar MBSEQ approach, replace CV channel by SEQ track -> the same concept can be used! :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks TK,

I've put a few hours in (noob here).

I can successfully set and retrieve track CC info via SEQ_CC_MIDI_Set() and SEQ_CC_Get(), and it's also easy to utilize SEQ_UI_REMOTE_MIDI_Keyboard() for simple button functions like Play, Stop etc.

I'm wondering how best to set and retrieve other data for which there is no established interface method. For example I tried to use SEQ_UI_Button_DirectTrack() to directly switch tracks but got strange results. (Also I feel nervous littering my code all through yours ...)

Cheers :)

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I've been looking at some other step sequencers for workflow ideas (five12 Numerology and Sequencomat (a Lemur controller for a Max/MSP sequencer). I like particularly Numerology's ability to directly see/edit several 'parameter layers' from the same screen.

Here's a rough idea how it might look in midibox/lemur land:


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Managed to accidentally delete my source containing my NRPN implementation. frantics.gifAt least I can reverse engineer from my Lemur patch.

Been working on a different tangent. I found the Sysex remote feature already present in the Seq. I've got working button and encoder input from the Lemur, along with partly working LCD feedback. The Lemur app doesn't have some of the required characters for Seq display so I'll have to find a work around for that.

So far I haven't been able to decode the LED stream coming from the Seq. It also seems to put out enough data to dramatically increase CPU usage on my laptop. I guess I'll need to slow down its output rate.

Here's a copy of my current Lemur patch (caution, WIP, hacking needed for most functions to function whistle.png): MBSeq_Combined5.zip

And an export of TK's BLM patch (in a container) as a .jzlib for easy importing into other Lemur patches: blm.zip

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  • 4 weeks later...

cool stuff, haven't really been actively following the developments until recently but this looks very nice.

One thing that could make it more user friendly on the ipad is to have the screen and the rotary buttons in the middle section instead of on top, and also to make drag up and down alternate the values of the buttons instead of having to rotate them.

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