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MBHP under Windows 98


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Hi all,

First of all, thanks Thorsten for the work made here and to all for the interesting and living forum. I was just keeping on reading posts up to now but it is time for my first questions here.

Let me explain first what I'm trying to do. I have for some time an EZ-USB development kit available. I'm running Windows 98 Second Edition and the tool set from Cypress works correctly.

I've tried to play with HID devices which Win98 handles quite good and I've then decided to give a try to the mbhp_USB...

Now comes the problem... Here is what happens:

- I download the mbhp_usb.hex file on the board using the Cypress tool.

- Windows finds the new device and proposes me to install the relevant drivers.

- I install those drivers, Windows asks for its own CD and install some USB audio stuff.

- Finally I have to reboot

- The computer finally hangs when it restart => black screen.

- I make a hard reset and let Windows start again.

- Windows finds again the new device, install drivers and reboot...

First question: I know from the site that Thorsten made his tests under Windows 2000 but has anybody tried out the mbhp_USB under Windows 98SE?

Second question: should I burn the EEPROM so that it works?

Third question (a stupid one...): how do I erase the EEPROM after? As far as I've seen, when the EZ-USB board is running a HID firmware for example, the Cypress tool doesn't work anymore. I guess it will be the same with the MIDI firmware. As the board is not mine, I'd like to avoid making something stupid  :-[

Thanks in advance...

Best regards,


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M$.... make me very dissapointed, I am currently reinstalling windows on my music pc, as I installed service pack3, and then my machine would no longer boot!

For one of the most richest companies in the world, their client support is dismal... I paid nearly $600 Aussie, for win2000, only to have a product that dosen't really work less than 2 years after I bought it!!! not to mention all the maintainence to keep it from crashing!

unfortunately I'm not a fan of apple either!!


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M$ doesn't support a USB MIDI legacy driver for Win98SE

The very strange thing about this is that Windows really gives the impression that it is installing a valid driver. It just does everything as for a HID for example which works.

I think trying to understand MS is far too much work for a life  ;)

Thanks anyway...

Kind regards,


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*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* PROPAGANDE *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

If you are sick win M$, try linux :) yes for music it's not the best, but you can keep both OS, as me, and you'll see that thing will be "easier" (mean that when you're not making music under windows, there's no problem! lol)

*-*-*-*-*-*-*--*-*-*-*-*- END -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

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