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Another run of v4 mb seq - anyone keen?


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A couple of people have expressed interest in mbseq panels, but, as theyre not exactly the easiest panel to produce in 1-off quantities, im considering making another small run, and wondered if anyone would be interested?

There are some photos and the like from the last batch i made on this thread -

...and, indeed, at time of posting, theres even this photo of sinesurfers build in the gallery section -


If youre interested in a panel, check the original thread, as there are some small structual alterations to Wilbas original design, and the details of these are outlined in full.

The cost per panel would be GBP 100 inclusive of EU tax. As per last time, i will cut some screens and include these with the orders, however, the screens are also hard to cut, and get very fine scratches on them if im not exceedingly carefull. Because of this, ill say the same as i did last time - the screens are a freebie, and should not be looked upon as part of the GBP 100 charge.

I think last time evreyone was happy with the screens, but (as you have noticed when ive been selling off b-grade items for lower prices) im just not happy to ship imperfect items and still charge the same money, so its easier if i just say the screens are free, and leave it at that : )

For EU customers, i think the price charged works out pretty competative against the usual suspects, esp when you take into account that you should get some free screens in there too.

For customers outside of the EU the price should still be slightly cheaper than 'the other engraving place' but, i admit, the saving is not as significant as im able to give on the mb6582 panel sets : (

But do check the details / exchange rates etc if you are interested.

As per normal (for anything other than custom work), i do not want any funds up front. Indeed i will not want any money untill peoples parts are packed and good to go, but what i would like, if people do want the parts, is a public display of commitment to purchase, to try and safeguard me from making far too many on the strength of PMs and then never hearing from people again.

(i should add that evreyone who expressed interest on the last run completed and recieved their panels wihout incident - thank you : )

Here are some photos from the thread before -





Ill do as before, and leave this list open untill it reaches critial mass (probably about 5-off) and then leave it open for another week or two with a notice of the closure date.


If you would like a panel, could you please post below, indicating the colour infill you would like, and the number of panels : )

Thank you,


ps. Postage is always at cost. insurance / tracking optional unless paid with credit card. Credit cards are processed with Google Checkout and surcharged at cost. Bank payments can be made in either Sterling (GBP) or Euros.

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i have some left over from the last run, but they probably have small imperfections...

when i started offering the acylic, i also altered the depth of the window recess to match, so as, when the window was fitted, the rear of the window would be fush with the rear of the panel, and your panel will have been prior to this alteration.

i think your panel would have had the window recess cut to Wilba's original specification, which meens that the windows i have here will sit proud at the rear. as to if this will be an issue to you or not will depend on the clearence your build has between the panel and the front of the screen.

anyway, given all of the above, if you do want a set, could i ask that you make a euro 3.50 donation to the charity of your choice, and, when youre done, PM me your current address, ill get a set in the post to you, carridge free

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my panel is the same as the one in photo upward with a green stuff in background


I assure you that whilst your panel may look the same, the depth of the recess is different. The difference is tiny, and will probably be fine, but i did want you to know before you spent time wondering why the acrylic didnt fit right. (half a mm is much bigger than it seems when there is no spare space!)

I started my 'offer' of screens some time after you purchased the panel, and changed the tool path at the same time. Indeed, i took measuremnts of the acrylic that i had purchased, and machined the recess to match. Panels prior to this (which includes your panel) were cut to the depth specified by Wilba, and would, ideally, be served by matching screens machined to his specifications.

i give automatically some money to MSF every month. is it ok ?

Not that ill ever know what you do (ill send the parts regardless) but -

There will be a cost to sending the parts to you. Rather than me invoice this cost, i thought it better if i just ask you to make an (additional) charitable contribution to the same ammount.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I am interested but awaiting a chck from an insurance claim at the moment....................soooo I am just expressing an interest at the moment.

Will you be making a cs for the blm by the way?..................or even better a seq v4 and blm combo?



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BTW a desktop-style case made of aluminium panels and extrusions is being evaluated at the moment and may be available through a bulk order arranged on this forum in the near future. It will be compatible with the 17" panel design, but the "perfect" solution would be if the 17" panel had a routed edge so it could slot into the case around its edges.

I can't share any more details at the moment, but I also don't want anyone to be disappointed if they get a 19" panel made and then get disappointed when a bulk order for cases is announced soon after, which won't be compatible with their 19" panel (unless they chop off 1" from each side!). In this interim period, I will discuss things privately with julianf and the people planning to get a panel... it would make sense if they also ordered a rear panel made with cutouts compatible with Core32 module, seppoman's SD card and ETH modules, and a power socket/switch PCB which I will be selling in the future for MB-SEQ/BLM builders. So all this is only relevant to people who ALREADY have an MB-SEQ PCB and are considering ordering a panel.

Please note: this future bulk order will be for a desktop style case and will not be rack mountable. If you prefer a rack mountable MB-SEQ then stick with the 19"x3U panel design.

Sorry if I've complicated things... :whistle:

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Hi Wilba,

Thanks for the info...

The hard bit on these panels is the routing on the rear of the panel, as it needs to be flipped and the alignment set up again. Milling the edges ont he front side to slot into some extrusion isnt an issue at all.

Is the enclosure group-buy intended to be an all-in-one complete solution, or a chassis that panels (from shaeffer, FPD, or whereever) are then fitted into?

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Is the enclosure group-buy intended to be an all-in-one complete solution, or a chassis that panels (from shaeffer, FPD, or whereever) are then fitted into?

At this stage, it's intended to be just the case, to support people who already had a panel made, or intend to get one made by Schaeffer/Front Panel Express/you :thumbsup:

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At this stage, it's intended to be just the case, to support people who already had a panel made, or intend to get one made by Schaeffer/Front Panel Express/you :thumbsup:

Thats good to know. I was asuming TKs custom case would have had the panel built in at the fabrication of the case instead of being fitted for the case. Both would be useful because of people that already have a panel and all 300 people that are waiting for your bulk order would benifit from a complete case solution. Price break anyone?

Sorry if i'm spamming Julian



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