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Bad hex for IIC midi firmware?


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So I am testing the new PICkit2 burner that I just received and it works fine with everything I have thrown at it (18F4620, 12F629, 18F452 using MBHP and other hex files) except for the IIC firmware contained in the mbhp_iic_midi_v1_0c.zip, it will not load the file stating "error reading file". If I make a new hex, I get a warning about "some configuration words not in hex file, ensure default values above are correct" (USER IDS:FF FF FF FF Checksum:1F50 Configuration: 14FE 0003) but it flashes the uC just fine. Is the hex file in the zip bad or is something else going on that I am missing?


I also get an error when loading the hex file in P18..


I caught smash in the chat and he tested what was in the zip and that looks fine so something is happening to the hex file. Using latest stable 7zip (checked with winrar also) and checked this on a older win2k machine and my 7 64bit machine with same results..

Edited by Altitude
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I don't understand exactly your problem but

I have burned just now four 16F88 with the last HEX file for IIC MIDI

and returned any error you enountered.I suppose it is the ultimate firmware.

I use EPIC programmer and PICPgm software.

Hope you have already solved the problem.



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no not yet. It is not something specific to the file since both you and smash are using it. However, I tried to open the hex file in another (PICprog) software suite and it also threw up an error saying that there was a error in line one related to a wrong length. I am stumped

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  • 3 weeks later...

no not yet. It is not something specific to the file since both you and smash are using it. However, I tried to open the hex file in another (PICprog) software suite and it also threw up an error saying that there was a error in line one related to a wrong length. I am stumped

you not the only one, have the same issues, it says

Error in HEX file - line 1

Invalid line length

I am using MicroBurner with the K128 burner KITSRUS.com

curious why this happens

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