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Looks like I fried my PIC


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I think I fried my PIC.

I'm not sure how, but have an idea.

I'm trying to install an MB808 seq into a TR-808 which has a dead sequencer. So far so good, with a little help from here and there.

The problem is trying to find a stable power source. I tried running of the regulated 5V from the TR, no luck. Kept on crashing. Same with the 15v supply. So I guessed that I wasn't getting enough amps.

SO, probably very stupidly, I plugged into the 20VAC coming from the Tr's transformer. For half an hour or so it was working well, though the regulator was getting pretty hot (surprise surprise!). Then things started to deteriorate. All the leds started to flash. The LCD has !!! flashing, when I turn on it briefly says "MIOS!W1 ©311" (or something to that effect.

So my question is, is it likely that the excess voltage fried the chip? I was moving stuff around so it is very possible that something shorted etc, so it maybe it would be more likely to be that?

I'm thinking my next option should be to get a transformer and run it parallel with the TR's transformer to get a solid voltage and amperage. Power does tend to be a stumbling block, even as it is the basis for everything!

Sorry for the excess ramble. Any ideas/suggestions on how to safe this classic would be greatly appreciated!



Sorry if I drifted off the original seq question!

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are you grabbing the power after the vreg on the TR board or before? ...also there are two supplies from the original trafo...one with about 10V and the other with about 2*23V...is it a 75L05 in a TO-92 package or a 7805 in a TO220 package you are using on the CoreBoard?...and where did you connect it to on the mainboard...on J1 before B40C800 or on J2 after the Vreg...

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the core is set up like in the MB808, with the same amount of DINs and DOUTS. I ran the 5v regulated from the TR to J2 (post reg) on the core. I ran regulated 15vdc to J1, and also unregulated 20v AC to J1 (obviously all not at the same time!!!). The vreg is a 7805 in a TO220.

I'm just about to get back to it. I thought it was a power problem as it was working before with external power supply. The important word being "was", I'm gonna go back to the power supply and see how it works with that.

Cheers for the ideas!


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