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Assigning knobs


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Thanks for this guys!!! This Machine is Awesome!!! :frantics: Thanks for inventing it and coding it and building it and Sharing it and putting up with my asinine introduction and helping me with my questions!!! TK, Nils and Wilba, :sorcerer: You guys Rock! and everyone else that answered my questions or that previously asked a question I needed an answer for or made me laugh and just helped me to learn etc...

I may be a little thick but I am having trouble figuring out how to assign a different function to a knob.

I've read the manual but I can't quite decipher what I need to do.

For the Bassline engine I would like to do away with the Osc Del knob (what does that do exactly? I've never seen Oscillator delay on a synth before) and replace it with DcA or Acc (Cause they are awesome and would be really nice to have right up front!)

Can I reassign that knob from inside the MB6582 or do I have to change the code with my computer? I got the impression that It should be easy to do from inside the MB6582, I just couldn't quite figure that out from reading the manual.

I'm pretty handy figgerin' my way around the menus and the synth engines (with lots of help from the manual) and I'm passable @ electronics but I still don't understand this computer and even midi CC stuff too great. All my gear is hardware...

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Thanks Nils.

Yeah I read that stuff a bunch of times...

I just don't understand it :(

I guess that means I have to go in to the coding.

I was dreading that.

Oh well. I figgered out how to build this thing.

I just don't trust the interface to my computer. Or my Computer. :huh:

I guess I won't get any stupider by trying.

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thanks for the compliments! :)

you can customize the menu pages in cs_menu_tables.inc


the format should be easy to understand, especially if you only want to shift/swap some entries.

thereafter just rebuild the firmware and upload the new .hex file

best regards, thorsten.

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I've a slightly different question, regarding Knob Assignments in the Lead Engine.

You can change the assignments in the menu by changing Pa1 or Pa2.

From my understanding these Parameter Assignments are saved within the Patch itself, and not globally.

Is there anyway to save these assignments globally (for all patches) via the mb-6582 itself, or via editing the source code?

Maybe there is some default/initiliazed setting in the Source?

I'm particular interested in having a dedicated detune knob, and don't want to have to set it manually for every existing patch.

Edited by Smithy
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Thanks TK. Yeah. This Machine is Super Awesome!!!

I'm getting a little closer. Sorry for being so thick about this stuff.

Now Smithy... What you're saying is that the Pa1 and Pa2 will change the parameters as in = make the knob do something else instead of what it is currently doing? That's kinda what I thought it said in the manual but I wasn't sure. I may just be having vocabulary problems ... :rolleyes:

I know that doesn't solve your problem but it would solve mine :thumbsup:

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Is there anyway to save these assignments globally (for all patches) via the mb-6582 itself, or via editing the source code?

Maybe there is some default/initiliazed setting in the Source?

I'm particular interested in having a dedicated detune knob, and don't want to have to set it manually for every existing patch.

I'm interested in such an option as well since months, but haven't found an easy to handle solution yet, resp. a solution which fits with the available memory resources (that are very limited).

This seems to be the best one so far:

  • global knob assignments are hardcoded and defined in setup_*.asm files for people who really want to customize them (but I guess that most people will be happy with the default assignments)
  • we need different assignments for lead/bassline/drum/multi engine
  • global assignments are selected whenever the local (patch) parameter assignment is set to 0 - this means that they will be active for all existing patches (since this is the default setup anyhow)

Now I only need some proposals for useful default assignments for Knob 1 (Modwheel) and Knob 2-5 --- anyone?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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From the documentation:

The knob layer gives you access to 5 customizable parameters, which can be assigned to two different sound parameters, and which are also available as modulation sources. A Min/Max range can be specified for each knob individually. Assignments and ranges are stored within the patch structure - so, each patch can have its own set. This feature is intended for ergnomic usage during live playing, but also for easy MIDI automation (activate the CC function to send knob movements, so that they can be recorded with a sequencing software).

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now I only need some proposals for useful default assignments for Knob 1 (Modwheel) and Knob 2-5 --- anyone?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

It would probably be a good idea to set up another thread where people can propose their favourite/most used assignments.

Detune is the only one i can think of for now, as i haven't had much time to play with mb-6582 recently.

A dedicated knob for changing the Bank would be nice but might be tricky with a non-detented encoder.

Selecting/highlight the Bank number in the root menu via one of the 5 buttons under the LCD may be a better idea,

so that you could use the Menu encoder, or Inc/Dec buttons to change the Bank.

Edited by Smithy
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