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Bi-Polar PSU -12/+11.74


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Not real sure where to post this...

My PSU ended up being -12/+11.74. I took the other 2 leads out of this transformer (It has 7) and built a

-15/+14.74. I used the method described in the Bi-polar PSU Wiki with the Voltage Doubler.

First, Is this something to worry about? I'm guessing for a Bi-polar supply you want both sides equal.

If it is, What can I do? Should I slip a resistor into the high side and bring them both down to XX.74?

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Not if I can avoid it :ninja:

They're like goddamn stereo instructions!

Strike that. I like reading stereo instructions :laugh: {(That's me laughing @ my own joke)

It didn't even occur to me.

I didn't think it might be the regulators... I was figgering Human Error if anything.

So I can continue to feel proud of myself for building this PSU :cheer:

Honestly I don't even know where I got the transformer from. I think i found a stereo for free on the roadside.

Should've read the manual.

It has Seven leads. I managed to get +/-12V and +/-15V out of it. I thought I was gonna be able to get 5V too but after I hooked the other Johnsons up I was only getting 2.5V from the remaining leads. I don't know what the amperage is cause the fuse in my Multimeter kept blowing out when I tried to test it. I went through 4 of them.

Let's see what it does under load. I rent so fire's not a huge concern

That's nice Flemming! I couldn't understand why my 1N9148s kept blowing up, then I googled bi-polar PSU and saw they were supposed to be 1N4004s (or 7s) I robbed some 4002s off that stereo PCB and they seem to be working alright.

Edited by JRock
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