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SammichSid sound mono


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hi *.*

sorry, my English is horrible! :tongue: :tongue:


The problem I have is that it sounds mono.

When I load the drum kit 1 of the pacth sounds bad, if I configure mono sound all sounds.

Another thing I encounter in the patch of zelda, is that if you shoot a very short note, it sounds and then listen to the rest of the sequence, with very very low volume.

What I have

I use a 12V regulated supply.

Two SID 6581.

470pf capacitors.


The measurements were successful.

I spent the sid and starts playing mono, always the right channel.

I have a SID 6582 (changing the capacitors and jumpers), I use to test, since I have reserved for MB6582, the same result.

Change the 74HC595, the same result.

The sammichSID works fine (menus, navigation, upload and patches) :sweat: .

If you give me an idea where to go, I'd be very grateful.

I have another kit to build, but I'm interested to work well first.

Best Regards


Edited by psyreactor
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1) do you use a stereo cable? The right jack is a stereo output. The left jack is not an output but an audio input (When you look at the sammich from above, not at the rear panel) So you need a stereo cable to hear both sids.

PS: Si quieres, podrias escribir en espanol también. Hay mucha gente acqui que lo habla. (yo no muy bien :D )

Edited by phunk
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hi punk

The plug is stereo and are denon stereo headphones.

After much measuring and remeasuring tensions, and not getting anywhere. :wacko: :wacko:

I just started assembling the core of the second kit, with the same sid and the same controller board, success!, stereo sound .

The question I have is, will not be left output transistor is causing the problem?.

If someone has a better track, would be of great help! :laugh:

Tomorrow I replace the transistor!

PD: Punk your Spanish is 100 times better than my google tranlate! :thumbsup:

best regards


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hi *.*

I still can not run the sammichSID stereo.

change, the left BC547 transistor. And it maintains the same symptom, in the drum kit xx patch, which should sound in the left channel sounds very very low and if any patch I put it in mono, not sound directly.

you can get the printed design to measure the continuity of the track.

Help please!

best regards


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It could be a problem with the left SID socket.

Pin 8 on each socket is connected separately to the PIC, this is what enables each SID to receive data from the PIC, so if one SID isn't working then maybe this is why. Check pin 8 has continuity, not shorted, etc. Also check continuity of the filter caps (C1L, C2L), problems with these will result in no audio (I think), or at least no audio if the filter is enabled.

I've attached a PDF of the base PCB with ground plane turned off. This should have been in the wiki already, sorry. I blame nILS.

sammichSID Base PCB.pdf

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hi *.*

works! :frantics: :frantics:

Thank you very much for all your help!.

Comment on the solution in case anyone happens the same, the leg 28 and the

27 were short, of left Sid (unexplainable, but marked continuity, scraping a

little about the pads, was eliminated continuity).

That life is beautiful in stereo. :D :D

best regards


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