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adjust pitch bend to -12


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fixed my polyphony issue i started in another thread.

now i cant exactly figure out how to adjust pitchbend in lead engine to all oscillators to -12 from -2. using techno pwm as an example, what menu/page item do i use with a sammichSID and how do i access it. i was able to adjust one of the oscillators to -12 but sounds like another osc(s) is still -2.

thanks in advance!

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this wasnt the answer i was asking for-"change stuff? lol". how is that helpful? i read the manual already but thanks for the link. was looking for information on what to edit specifically to edit and how to navigate TO it. rPN i think was the item you need to adjust.

Read the manual.

You use the oscillator page. Just select the oscillator(s) you wanna change (1st menu item) and then... change stuff.

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Aww, come on big fella. :console:

how is that helpful?

What the fuck did you expect? A step by step detailled instruction with pretty pictures or maybe an in-depth guide on how to read a manual? I was telling you precisely where to find what you are looking for.

If you don't how to navigate the menustructure, you obviously haven't read the manual, where that is described. All you gotta do is read.

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cool, youre an admin, maybe youre one of the people who designed the software or the sammich. i dont give a shit. how about an explanation other than a snide RTFM?. i wasnt asking for pictures dickhead. the manual isnt easy to understand to those of us who dont know every possible menu item or what the midi hex dump for cc 127 is. I know very little about this unit and was asking the question AFTER i read the manual, TRIED on the unit and searched google AND the forums. but thanks for the .001 second you took with a generic response that didnt do anything but annoy me, then followed up with this BS reponse. nice one

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With all due respect, I know pretty much nothing about the MIDIbox SID but I found the answer within a few minutes. You must have missed the "Lead Engine" chapter (on a separate page) http://ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual_l.html which details exactly how to do what you are asking.

You may have noticed the "n" icon on the sammichSID PCB's when you were building it, nILS has made a massive contribution to this community and doesn't deserve to be called a "dickhead" especially as he gave you the answer just not the one you were hoping for.....


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i was able to adjust one of the oscillators to -12 but sounds like another osc(s) is still -2.

After you've entered the OSC menu page, select all three oscillators so that the pitch range is changed for all of them.

Thats the leftmost item of this page (OSC) -> has to be set to "123" instead of "1--", thereafter scroll to the PRn parameter and set it to 12

Best Regards, Thorsten.

P.S.: I agree with Phil, your appearance isn't really fair - most people don't know the manual, you haven't mentioned it in your first posting. Nils gave an initial hint which is mostly sufficient.

No need to call him "dickhead", is this the usual tone in other forums meanwhile? He is really a nice guy!

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