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Upcoming MBHP_MF_NG module


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I have been putting together a fader module slowly and I am having some difficulty.  Currently I have one fader connected and I am trying to understand what to expect from the fader using the tool inside mios studio.  My fader only snaps to the top and to the bottom.  


Any idea what I am missing or doing wrong?


on the global setting inside the MF_NG tool I selected 1 fader.


I am assuming I have it wired wrong, as I can get the same behavior with only just the two motor pins connected.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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what are you trying to do inside the MF_NG tool?


If you are using the buttons "upper" and "lower" on the second page, then this would be the expected behaviour. The fader snaps up and down and you can monitor its speed and moving progession on the graph.


What you could try is:


1. Setting the operation mode on the "global" tab to "CC#7 CHN#1-#8"

2. in MIOS Studio right above the virtual keyboard use one of the sliders to send CC7 (on the right you can set the midi channel) to the MF module and

3. see, if the fader moves accordingly to the moves you make with the slider


my regards

Edited by John E. Finster
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what are you trying to do inside the MF_NG tool?


If you are using the buttons "upper" and "lower" on the second page, then this would be the expected behaviour. The fader snaps up and down and you can monitor its speed and moving progession on the graph.


What you could try is:


1. Setting the operation mode on the "global" tab to "CC#7 CHN#1-#8"

2. in MIOS Studio right above the virtual keyboard use one of the sliders to send CC7 (on the right you can set the midi channel) to the MF module and

3. see, if the fader moves accordingly to the moves you make with the slider


my regards


I am trying to get an idea how this tool works, how to calibrate a fader, etc. Right now, the only buttons really doing anything are the upper and lower and the slow sine (this just slaps from top to bottom a couple times and stops).


I did as you suggested and any movement of the sliders make the fader slap the very top or very bottom.  There is no middle.  And I am getting intermittent response.  It does not respond have the time I press a button or move a slider.


Really confused how this is supposed to work.

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I have tried every combination of wires and it seems that the only wires that have any effect are the two motor wires.  I get the same response with or without the wiper, 0%, 100% even connected to 5v, grnd, A0.  the fader just jiggles violently for a second and gives up or then slaps to the opposite side.   I have Alps 100mm touch sensitive 10kb faders.


I really thought getting this working would be a piece of cake. 

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I'm just now getting around to connecting the touch sensor part.  I don't understand where the two gnd pins of J14 connect.  I see where to connect the other eight pins, to the touch sensor on the fader, but where do these two pins go?


Without the two gnd pins connected and I touch the fader, I see-

[11178.756] 90 6f 7f   Chn# 1  Note On  D#7  Vel:127

[11178.766] 90 6f 00   Chn# 1  Note Off D#7 (optimized)


over and over very fast.  Is this expected?

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Yes, this is correct and the touch sensor is working just fine  :happy: .


You have to adjust the touchsensor Sensitivity in the callibration tool though. I think 3 or 4 might be ok for your faders. The goal is to set the sensitivity just right, so that a note on event is triggered, when you touch the sensor and a note off event when you lift your finger off the sensor.


The touch sensor doesn´t need a ground connection, because your finger acts as one.

Edited by John E. Finster
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I see.  


When I try to move the faders in my DAW with mackie control emulation currently, I feel the motors turning on and off, fighting the movement.  So if I change the value of the sensitivity, it will possibly stop sending note on and note off while I am touching the fader and just send note on until I take my finger off which will then send note off, correct?

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Finger on -> Note on event

Finger off -> Note off event

(its a cc event in the motormix emulation, don´t be confused)


Right above the sensitivity slider is a drop down menu ("touchsensor mode"), there you can select "like previous, but additionally motors will be suspended". I would recommend this option to assure, that the motors won´t move, while you touch the sensor. 

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I have adjusted the touchsensor settings to both extremes and back again with no change in behavior.  I have tried using "like previous, but additionally motors will be suspended", but this still left the motors fighting the movement.  


Whats odd is that you state finger on -> Note on event.  What i get is note on, note off, note on, note off, etc. repeating until I take my finger off. Like it just twitches between the two very fast and constant.  This might explain why the motors fight, then give, then fight, then give, like turning on and off in my DAW.


What would be causing this?

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It might be, that you made a mistake connecting the touchsensors to the MF module. E.g. Fader 2 could be connected to the touchsensor pin of fader 1.

Check again, if you connected every touchsensor to the right pins at J14. The order of the touchsensor pins is different then the order of the fader connections at J2.

Edited by John E. Finster
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Strange... I thought, the false touchsensor connections were causing this. I had the same kind of error once (endless note on/of streams, fighting motors,...) and this was caused by falsly connecting the touchsensor.



Are your faders working otherwise, if you are turning of the touchsensors? This can also be done via "touchsensor mode".

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Yes, that could be a problem and cause a lot of jitter. If you don´t connect the other faders yet, you have to connect the remaining AIN pins at J2 directly to ground.


Still, since your problem is focused on the touchsensors I believe there might be a problem with the touchsensor "section" of the MF module. You could check all the soldering points in that area. Are IC6 and both resistor networks put in the right way?


If you are using a laptop, is it connected to the psu the whole time or do you run it on battery. That might also be a cause for jitter.

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I am using a laptop for currently.  I am using battery power. 


I will connect all the remaining J2 AIN pins to ground. 


I guess Im not sure how to tell if a resistor network is put in the right way.  Not sure. 



Just to be totally clear, I have been inspecting the messages and the note on and note off "note letter" changes.  I get a repeating pattern of this:


 Chn# 1  Note On  G#7  Vel:127

 Chn# 1  Note On  A7  Vel:127

 Chn# 1  Note On  A#7  Vel:127

 Chn# 1  Note On  B7  Vel:127

 Chn# 1  Note Off  G#7 (optimized)

 Chn# 1  Note Off  A7 (optimized)

 Chn# 1  Note Off  A#7 (optimized)

 Chn# 1  Note Off  B7 (optimized)


 Chn# 1  Note On  G#7  Vel:127

 Chn# 1  Note On  A7  Vel:127

 Chn# 1  Note On  A#7  Vel:127

 Chn# 1  Note On  B7  Vel:127

 Chn# 1  Note Off  G#7 (optimized)

 Chn# 1  Note Off  A7 (optimized)

 Chn# 1  Note Off  A#7 (optimized)

 Chn# 1  Note Off  B7 (optimized)


 Chn# 1  Note On  G#7  Vel:127

 Chn# 1  Note On  A7  Vel:127

 Chn# 1  Note On  A#7  Vel:127

 Chn# 1  Note On  B7  Vel:127

 Chn# 1  Note Off  G#7 (optimized)

 Chn# 1  Note Off  A7 (optimized)

 Chn# 1  Note Off  A#7 (optimized)

 Chn# 1  Note Off  B7 (optimized)


And so on.  It does get a little random here and there but mostly this pattern.  Does this tell you anything?

Edited by Nick Morris
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Yes, those are the designated touchsensor events of a mackie control for the faders 1-4. You can also check here http://home.comcast.net/~robbowers11/MCMap.htm, that´s a chart for all the midi events which gets sent by the mcu.


First, why I mentioned a laptop. If you are using it on battery power, that could cause a lot of jitter while touching the faders. Don´t ask me why, I can´t exactly explain it, but I experienced this with my first MF module. As soon as I plugged in the power of my laptop, the jitter stopped. So, I suggest, you try this first.


Second, if you didn´t connect the remaining (unused) AIN pins of J2 to ground, then a lot of random jitter is expected. But this jitter would be limited to the fader events and wouldn´t include the touchsensor events. In your case a lot of random pitchbend events on several channels (fader events of a mcu => Pitchbend chn 1-9). So I still believe there is some kind of wiring problem related with the touchsensors.



I guess Im not sure how to tell if a resistor network is put in the right way.


There is a little dot on the networks, that marks the common ground pin of all the resistors. For a MF module you would need two 5pin networks closely to J14 or IC6 (I can´t look on my own modules right now, sorry. They´re already built in). But only 4 of those pins are resistors, the 5th is the ground pin for the 4 resistors. On the pcbs from SmashTV the soldering points for a resistor network usually consist of some round points (resistors) and 1 square point (ground pin).

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I'm new in Midibox. I want to build and test the Midibox NG with the LPC17 core module and the MF_NG module.

I soldered the two modules, it seems, the LPC17 works perfectly. I flashed the bootloader V1.2 to the PIC for the MF_NG module. So I wanted to update the bootloader, and after upload the MF_NG firmware via the working LPC17 core module (MIDI 2IN/MIDI 2OUT), but the connection between the two module didn't work. The MIOS Studio didn't recognize the MIOS8 operating system.

What can I do in this situation? What can be the problem? Maybe the device ID? 


Best regards,


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