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Building MBSIDv2 with separate modules,want to use 6582 control surface board.


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Hi, I started building my mbSID months ago, and I'm finally picking it back up. I'm building a MBSIDv2 with separate modules, and want to use the 6582 control surface board. I have a core and a sid module that are tested, and I am building DINs, but I was very intimidated by the idea of building my own control surface on perf board :). Right now, I only plan to have one core and 2 SIDs, but a full control setup using the 6582 cs PCB that smashTV sells. Are there any obvious problems with this idea? Is it a simple matter of proper wiring from the CS PCP to the DINs?

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Cool thanks for the quick reply. I looked in the forums but could not find any info, I don't think anyone has ever done it and written about it. I might not have looked hard enough though. I may just order the board tomorrow and give it a whirl...I still need to buy more encoders though, so it might be awhile. Until then, if anyone has more info one this, it would be greatly appreciated to hear it!

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I'm pretty sure that the MB6582 is set up like it has DIN x 6. All the buttons are set up in a matrix, so they only use two shift registers (correct me if I'm wrong). The other four are for encoders. The default assignments are on the wiki. I haven't fiddled with any LEDs yet, but I assume they work under the same principle.

I think you would have to use the MB6582 setup hex file. I'm not positive how that would work with a standalone core, but being as that the MB6582 is based on 4 core modules I would guess it should work fine.

You'd be doing yourself a favor building your own CS though. I got a bag of 100 cheap tact switches (off ebay) and some cheap encoders (Future electronics or something like that) and made a mock up to understand how it all worked. It took me a couple trys, but I kinda understand how it all goes together now. (At least better than I did :whistle: )

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Is it a simple matter of proper wiring from the CS PCP to the DINs?

Yes, proper wiring of the DINs and DOUTs (and +5V/Gnd) is all it takes.

I think you would have to use the MB6582 setup hex file.

Correct, as that is the only one with the correct DIN/DOUT assignments.

I'm pretty sure that the MB6582 is set up like it has DIN x 6.

DINx5 and DOUTx3 (notice the additional transistors to drive the LEDs).

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