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Patch Dump from MB-6582 to sammichSID


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Hey *!

I'm trying to dump patches from my MB-6582 to my girlfriends sammichSID. I connected both via MIDI and selected "Dmp" in the Shift-Menu of the MB-6582. It says "-- Patch Dump sent --", but the sammichSID does not seem to receive anything.

Am I doing this right? Is this even possible? It would be a really cool feature if this was easily possible for one or more patches without having to use a computer!



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If you're in a pinch and have access to a computer, the SID SysEx editor may be of some use. It's actually pretty nice for the Sammich since it can greatly aid in making patches and things. It's not as good as a full control surface but it's the next best thing (particularly given the footprint of the Sammich). I used it this evening as a matter of fact. It's very helpful for making patches with the multi + ensemble engines.

And, of course, you can dump and restore banks with it as well.

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If you're in a pinch and have access to a computer, the SID SysEx editor may be of some use. It's actually pretty nice for the Sammich since it can greatly aid in making patches and things. It's not as good as a full control surface but it's the next best thing (particularly given the footprint of the Sammich). I used it this evening as a matter of fact. It's very helpful for making patches with the multi + ensemble engines.

And, of course, you can dump and restore banks with it as well.

I know it exists, but have never used it so far. I think I will in the future, it really looks nice.

The main reason I posted this though, is because I want to know if it works without a computer.

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