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Wiki update

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Hello community!

While developing my first MidiBox project, I noticed that the wiki is a bit messy (meaning some things are hard to find and lack a common style that makes orientation easier). Especially the problem of MIOS8 and MIOS32 brought me into trouble - which wiki page is meant for which OS?

This thread is not meant to be an allegation, but to sum up ideas how the wiki could be improved. I know that I'm a newcomer here and thus not the right one to start the "geart reconstruction of the wiki". However, I think that others might share my opinion and I'd like to contribute some work to make the wiki more readable, especially with the MIOS8/32 problem.

The first point would be the following: Comparing our wiki to others, I miss the sidebar and a header line. One of the main orientation issues for me was to get back to the start page. It took quite a while until I found out that the small MidiBox logo is this link. However it might be cool to have a header line with some important links in it:

  • Main page
  • What is "MidiBox" (might be usefull for those who found it via google etc.)
  • Design rules for wiki page
  • etc.

The sidebar could contain links to the most usefull pages like FAQs, popular MidiBox devices and the main sections such as MBHP, MIOS, etc. as well as all the external links in the header of the forums (ucapps, forums, gallery, ...). Which pages are linked there in particular could be discussed later on.

I personally don't know much about the wiki-system used and if these things are possible, but I'd really like to change that.

The second point is a common design. To make a start, I set up an example wiki page that could be used as some kind of template for new wiki pages. This is my suggestion: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:test_page I liked the idea of a little side-box that displays some relevant information. It could have different table rows, depending on the content of the page. As an example, a page for software-tips may have a row with the matching OS (see my link), a page for a hardware module may have a row "connects to => J17 on Core8, J4 on Core32" or something like that.

Some coloring could also make the wiki better. What about giving the main sections different colors? The side-box could then be in the color of the section the article belongs to.

However, i'm not completely satisfied with this example page right now, but here's where everyone can change something, until we find the perfect solution.

One more thing: What about adding logos for MIOS32 and MIOS8 or both to each article? (logos like USB1.1 and USB2, ...). Thus you can see, for which OS the article is meant.

Well, that's all for now,


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Pretty much all of what you say has been suggested and attempted in one way or another. Usually by people who said they were going to make massive contributions to change that. Apparently most of that never happens, I guess after the people in question notice just how much info there really is on the WIKI and how much work is in involved in recreating/sorting/fixing it up is.

Not trying to demotivate you or anything - I'd love to see someone get started on a few upgrades, but it's certainly a pretty massive job ;)

Imo it would be best, to start with a clean empty WIKI and copying the pages step-by-step :)

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Pretty much all of what you say has been suggested and attempted in one way or another.

That's what I expected. However, the search function didn't show me anything related.

Apparently most of that never happens, I guess after the people in question notice just how much info there really is on the WIKI and how much work is in involved in recreating/sorting/fixing it up is.

Yes, it took me 4 hours to get used to the wiki system and to find a solution that looked at least a bit like what I had in mind... I'm still not happy with the result...

Imo it would be best, to start with a clean empty WIKI and copying the pages step-by-step :)

I thought that, too. Well, I didn't want to say that though, but now one of the "big guys" said it, I assume it's safe to say that I share this opinion :D Do you think that's realistic? Who hosts the wiki at the moment? T.K. himself?


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  • 5 months later...


I am currently working on the following section in the wiki:


Can somebody please explain me how I can create a new sub folder "mb6582_cs_troubleshooting" in the :wiki folder ? I would like to store all the supporting pictures under an own sub folder in order to avoid messing up the main directory...



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