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problem with pointers and arrays


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I have this

typedef struct prog_list_tag {

  u16 index;

  u16 bank_number;

  char file_name[4];

  char bank_name[16];

} prog_bank_list_t;

// each entry represents one available PROG bank on SD card

prog_bank_list_t prog_bank_list[100];
and this:
extern char current_prog_bank_name[16];

How can I copy the bank_name in the struct (e.g. the one in the second entry of prog_bank_list) into the array current_prog_bank_name?

I think I got a mental block right now...

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  • 3 years later...

I also want to "memcpy"

C, 8Bit Core, 18F4685:



 #include <string.h>

int MtxLoad0[8]; //Destination Array
int Mtx0Part0[8]; //Source Array

if(pin == 0 && pin_value == 0){memcpy(MtxLoad0, Mtx0Part0, 8);}

give me this error:


error: missing definition for symbol "_memcpy", required by "_output/main.o"


where do i have to define "memcpy"?

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ok thankz i made this:


#include <string.h> 
int MtxLoad0[8];  //Destination Array 
int Mtx0Part0[8]; //Source Array 
int LoroCount;    //counter 4 "for" loop  -LoadRoll...

if(pin == 0 && pin_value == 0)
{for(LoRoCount=0; LoRoCount<8; LoRoCount++) {MtxLoad0[LoRoCount]=Mtx0Part0[LoRoCount];}}
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