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Programming OS X 10.5 on a PPC


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Hello Forum,

yes I know PPC is 5 years ago. But is it possible to set up the toolchain to program for the STM32 Core?

I changed to 10.5. because I wanted to use MIOS_Studio, which works well so far.

I went throught the Forum, tried to compile with the 3 step method from Rics


downloaded the repository MIOS32, edited the PATH, made a .profile but when I type in make -s....:

noname:tutorials midi$ cd 001_forwarding_midi

noname:001_forwarding_midi midi$ ls

Makefile README.txt app.c app.h mios32_config.h

noname:001_forwarding_midi midi$ make -s

Creating object file for app.c

make: arm-none-eabi-gcc: Command not found //Is this the problem maybe?

make: *** [project_build/app.o] Error 127

noname:001_forwarding_midi midi$

See you!

As a solution I still have 10.4. on the other hard drive

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maybe you can help me giving some background information about the two lines in the following:

Yesterday I started by downloading the ftp://ftp.lansystems.co.uk/pub/midibox/mios32_toolchain_intelmac_20101024.zip

I didn´t bother about the intelmac(yeah, I don´t know much about compiling yet) and it didn´t work.

After that I started to install XCode(yeah, I didn´t read the first sentence of the howto) and after that I tried the way with installing gputils and sdcc.

# mios32

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/stm32/bin //What is this for? Where does it come from sdcc, gputils or ?

export MIOS32_PATH=/mios32/trunk //This is a part of the svn files which are platform independent, source C whatever?

export MIOS32_BIN_PATH=$MIOS32_PATH/bin

export MIOS32_GCC_PREFIX=arm-none-eabi

export MIOS32_FAMILY=STM32F10x



export MIOS32_LCD=clcd

# mios32 end

In the Wiki I found setting up the toolchain in OS X:


2- install the STM32 toolchain

The MIDIbox community have created a modified GNU Compiler Collection, ready for use with the ARM Cortex M3 platform. The toolchain contains all of the tools required to build MIOS32 applications including GCC and NEWLIB.

The download is only for Intel Mac, also the PATH is slightly different:


In our case, we need to set up the path variable for the STM32 toolchain: type in the terminal

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mios32_toolchain/bin

and then we need to set up variables for mios32 itself:

export MIOS32_PATH=~/svn/mios32/trunk

export MIOS32_BIN_PATH=$MIOS32_PATH/bin

export MIOS32_GCC_PREFIX=arm-none-eabi

export MIOS32_FAMILY=STM32F10x



export MIOS32_LCD=clcd

Here I considered that you have put all the files downloaded from the svn server in the directory â€~/svn/mios32/trunk†but up to you to put them elsewhere if you want and change the “MIOS32_PATH†variable accordingly.

Can I compile Newlib for PPC? GCC is a part of the XCode/ Developer Tools from OS X?

I hope you have some more patience with me.

See you.


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Hi Michael,

the precompiled toolchain hasn't been prepared for PPC (it isn't an universal binary).

And from my experiences it will be very difficult!

No, you can't use Xcode to compile the toolchain.

Before writing too many redundant words, I give you access to the Programmers Lounge where we discussed the details about the toolchain and shared scripts.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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