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It's a long way...

Philippe Nocq

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When I see the near 300 customers in the bulk order for Wilba's sets I'm afraid for waiting a very long time for delivery !

How much time could it take to be shiped ?

I'm in the end of the list of customers. 300 !

Happy owners of the precious sets, how much time did you wait for ?

I'am anxious, could you tell me ?

Thanks for you gentle responses.

Philippe who can't sleep because of waiting !

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I really liked the look of the MIDIBox SEQ when I first saw it too. Tried to build one once, but when I started to connect the modules together it wasn't working properly, so I left it. That's when I put my name on the list.

We are probably over-privileged having people sort kits and fab pcbs for us. :)

You have to appreciate that others have their own lives to live -- we aren't really paying for a commercial operation so shouldn't expect a fast turnaround. I bet "Mike" (a.k.a. Tim :wink:) ) gets 50 emails a day asking "when's this happening?"

If you need something in a hurry, go for a Sequentix Cirklon or the like. This is the trade-off for a "cheap", customisable instrument with constant firmware updates/requests and basically real-time support. For free!

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AFAIK SmashTV is working through that list, and isn't going to update it with every order... plus it's such an old list that I bet half the people on there will not proceed with an order because they either got a PCB/"kit" already from me or fussylizard, or aren't interested anymore.

FWIW I get approximately 20%-30% cancellations... i.e. for every 50 "pre-orders", 10 to 15 will cancel, not reply to emails, or not pay.

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AFAIK SmashTV is working through that list, and isn't going to update it with every order... plus it's such an old list that I bet half the people on there will not proceed with an order because they either got a PCB/"kit" already from me or fussylizard, or aren't interested anymore.

FWIW I get approximately 20%-30% cancellations... i.e. for every 50 "pre-orders", 10 to 15 will cancel, not reply to emails, or not pay.

@ Wilba, a bit off -topic, but do you still have any seq pcb/kits available? I m on the list too, but it might take foerever so if there is a possibility to get my pcb/kit directly from you or fussylizard until august, I would be more than happy, since I will only have August available for soldering.... too busy with work all year...


PS I have also pm ' d you but posting this also, in case your answer might interest other mates here too...

Edited by Hermes
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I have PCB files (KiCAD) for a control surface based on Wilba's, if anyone wants them. I have had a board made from the design, but haven't completed it yet so can't verify that it's perfect. I'll share the files when the project's done anyway, but for anyone feeling adventurous they can have them now.

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I've had a request, so here they are. Use at your own risk - if you can't work out what's going on in these (particularly the matrix pin assignments), don't spend any money :) I'm happy to provide some support for this stuff, but I'm no expert either.

It is similar to Wilba's PCB, but uses Alps SKPG switches, has slightly different button layout, and the shift registers aren't on board as I already had DIN/DOUT boards. I have tested it a bit (haven't soldered the LEDs) and it seems to be OK. I'm nearly ready to order my Ponoko front panel/chassis, so full use should be happening within a month or two.

Enjoy! seq-cs.zip

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Your welcome. There are lots of mounting holes - probably overkill, but the PCB looks so big on the screen when designing..... :sorcerer:

I remembered that I included the footprints for standard 6mmX6mm switch on the board as well, so people could use it with either switch type. I chose the SKPG as they are very quiet.

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  • 2 months later...

I have PCB files (KiCAD) for a control surface based on Wilba's, if anyone wants them. I have had a board made from the design, but haven't completed it yet so can't verify that it's perfect. I'll share the files when the project's done anyway, but for anyone feeling adventurous they can have them now.

I would love the KiCAD files, thx

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Thanks latigid on :)

This is probably a better link now: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=findbuddha

It's got most of the design files for my midibox, and more importantly, lists the current known issues.

Unfortunately my midiboxing time has been severely restricted over the last 2 months and I've been unable to troubleshoot the problem with my seq matrix. Hopefully I'll get back to it soon.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey all,

I am currently designing a sequencer to go in the desktop case of my 9090 project. I am also designing in Kicad so these files could help me a lot.

Has anybody found a reason/solution for on of the known problems: seq-cs.* if more than 1 LED is lit per cathode the switches on that cathode don't work. Any assistance on this matter would be much appreciated! :)

Cheers Jef

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  • 4 weeks later...

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