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Attached is a screen dump of the terminal screen which appeared when I attempted to edit the default.mio file. The .mio file did not open for editing.

Is this what is supposed to happen?  Am i doing something wrong?


using the "Show File" command in the terminal, the default.mio comes up in the terminal window, but it is missing parts of the matrix program lines that show up in the file when viewing in a text editor.  Is this normal? 

Is it totally unwise to use the MSD function on the control surface to view and edit the file?   I have done all that you recommended regarding windows computer running XP OS and stil can't edit the .mio file using mios studio 2.4.2 latest release.





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Please always consider that I wrote for your case in the past - your PC doesn't work reliable.


"show" doesn't display the actual file, but generates a file from the content in RAM and redirects the output to the terminal.


If you've luck, SD Card transfers will work more stable with MIOS Studio 2.4.4

If the latest changes still don't help, there is no hope for your PC setup - I'm sorry for this, but as mentioned above, I'm not a Windows expert...


Best Regards, Thorsten.



Don't know where to put this post, so i will start here.

At this point, my system (pc/lpc) is in a total state of confusion, including me.

i really need some help straightening out the mess, even if it means back to step 1!


PC:  P4 processor, 2.8 mb running win XP prof, SP3.  The GM5 driver has been "un-installed".

LPC core currently has the latest rel of the bootloader, midio128 with latest rel of ver3.  need to back up to releases that will work with the XP machine.  Currently, the latest releases are not compatible with the XP USB driver.  Kpete duplicated my installation and had same problems with USB driver.


System capability I need:

1.  One (1) usb port on the LPC to talk to the pc  runinning jorgan ver.3.14

2.  Where to find a copies of past midio128 ver 3 releases.  Was using rel .005 beforeneed the latest release that will work with the XP USB composite driver.

3.  Need only midi in1, midi out1, midi in2, midi out2 to work with the router.

4.  Need a reliable version of mios studio (I have given up on the file Browser feature of ver.2.4.4).




Please don't spread different postings, which are related to the same "story", over multiple threads, this doesn't really help to follow the topic in future, and other people (who might have the same problems) will even more confused about the incomplete informations than you ;-)


This "story" continues here: 


The "single_usb" option now also works properly under WinXP - thanks to Johnc and Pete for testing!


MIDIO128 V3.016

   o bugfix for "single_usb" option



Best Regards, Thorsten.

  • 9 months later...

Sven, Gramm Goode, anyone,

I am running midio128 ver3. on an LPC17 and the USB port is connected to a pc running linux puppy 5.2.8,and jorgan 3.14.  jOrgan does not find the USB audio for inputs and outputs, hence errors on the disposition.  .

All communications in betweeen the LPC17 and the pc is thru the USB link.

Is there some setting, or additional linux software that needs to be loaded for the two devices to communicate?


  • 2 weeks later...

Wow! 3 releases at once, because the preliminary ones were never officially published:



MIDIO128 V3.017

   o the MIDI router forwards SysEx messages regardless if channels are filtered,
     or "All" is used. It's ensured that messages are only sent once if multiple
     router nodes forward to the same destination port.

   o corrected MIDI clock output



MIDIO128 V3.018

   o added USB MIDI workaround for Windows



MIDIO128 V3.019

   o added SysEx support for MIDI file player and recorder

   o MIDI file recorder now sets "end of track" marker at the end of a 4/4 bar
     to comply with the MIDI file spec, and to allow proper looping

   o support for MBHP_CORE_STM32F4


Best Regards, Thorsten.

  • 9 months later...


Please take a look at posts (John's organ midification)concerning  recorder/player issue involving keyboard inputs from 8x8 matrices.

Kpete has been assisting and suspects a problem with the recorder.




PS:  should this post be in this thread, or someplace else?

  • 8 months later...

Hello -

SORRY THAT I POSTED THIS AS A "NEW TOPIC" before finding the MIDIO 12 V3 topic!

Goal is to have MIDI  IN and OUT for a church pipe organ (2-61 note keyboards + 32 note pedals +  Stop Action switches)

I bought the MIDIO 128 V3 boards  including MBHP_CORE_LPC17 and 4 DIN kits and 4 DOUT kits  and parts from the guy in Tenessee USA thinking that was the max that could be addressed. 

There seems to be conflicting info:  I read in one place that up to 4 of each (max 128 I/O) ,  but elsewhere it says that in the 32 bit OS that up to 8 DIN's and 8 DOUTS are possible. 

I am just soldering the boards now,  and about to configure the inputs and outputs.  128 is not really enough for a 2 manual + pedal organ.  

I did search the documentation (and found this seeming contradiction) and also searched the forum here to see if my question has been addressed.   I am baffled by how few people seem to be trying to do what I want to do:  to have full MIDI IN and OUT for a 2 manual organ.  

Another issue I have is that the organ uses 12 volt keying and wondering if I'm going to have to build another layer of interface between the DIN/DOUTs and the keying.  

There seem to be some very knowledgeable people on the form that are providing some very helpful advice.  

Thank you in advance. 


WA state - USA

  • 5 years later...


Is it possible to define a Input putton to play a chord, like from DIN module and STMF4 the D1.1 send 3 midi messages simulteanously for exemple C2 E2 G2 ?

This is for midify an left side of an accordion.

Thanks by advance

  • 2 years later...
  • 11 months later...

Hi all,

Recently I could finish my first Midibox project, but I faced a small issue. I need your help - if somebody had already similar - or the same problem.


My setup is quite simple:

MIDIO128 V3 project using the latest V3_009 version.


I created 2 input matrices according to http://ucapps.de/midio128/midio128_v3_dio_scanmatrix.pdf

  • 1st matrix: channel 1, DIN 1, DOUT 1
  • 2nd matrix: channel 5, DIN 2, DOUT 2

Everything is working fine - anyway many thanks for that, I am quite thankful about this project. Working like charm!


The problem is the following:

If I keep pressed 1 button on the 2nd matrix, and I press a button on the 1st matrix -> I get extra 3 events on the 1st channel that do not belong to the key pressed. 

The 3 extra events come with same note, with off-on-off states. 

If I press a different key, different extra note values are sent.

If no button is kept pressed everything is ok.


I am quite confused with this behavior. It is strange as I think there are many people who could already try it out in the last 10 years. But on the meanwhile my matrices are working separately, and physically "far" from each other.


Please help - if anybody has an idea!

Thanks in advance!


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