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IIC firnware drama "Bad Hex"


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So this was a problem for me a while ago that I never really solved but it now has to be resolved since my seq and 4xIIC board is done. So what I have tracked this down to is that the hex file that is in the zip file for whatever reason is different than the hex file I can MAKE here. The hex file in the zip cannot be read by any programing software I have tried (P18, PICkit 2, and another one I used to use) on any machine. The one I MAKE here works fine however. When I open up the two in a hex editor here are the results: (note the extra 0D in the official one, it repeats throughout). I'm waiting on parts to actually test my IIC board and it'll either work or not so at this point, it is more a curiosity issue for me since it seems so strange that the official hex (which was verified as fine) for some reason does not work anywhere for me

The hex file in the zip:


and the one i MAKE here:


Edited by Altitude
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