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FM Explosion?


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Anyone have a patch or suggestions on how to make a FM explosion? I know that sound in my head but I can't seem to figure out how to make it. Using the random patch generator (which, by the way, is SOO cool!) I came close but not close enough and trying to fix it just ended up making it worse :)

It's for the end of one of our songs that depicts a boss battle. As you can imagine, we want to have a game-inspired explosion at the end that signifies defeating of said boss. Kinda like a sound you would hear in, say, Sonic the Hedgehog on Genesis.

Any ideas? Thought about trying out an explosion on my sammichSID as well but I really wanted an FM sound for this.

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Ooooh yes that could work, thank you!! Is it possible to slow it down so make a longer (and lower pitched) explosion? If not, I could just do multiple explosions :)

I, too, am having trouble with jSynthLib :/

EDIT: Forgot to say thanks :)

Edited by m00dawg
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The sammich doesn't behave...seems he didn't like his last encounter with jsynthlib.

So I'll just tell what i did, so you can reproduce and fit it to taste, mkay?

It's the algorithm in which OP1 plays alone.

Feedback is maxed, to make it hiss.

OP234 are muted. OP1 is a ^^ with multi 1 and at max volume.

LFO controls overall volume at rate 46, waveform is random.

EG controls speed of LFO, decay only.

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Hey thanks, Imp!

I took your idea and ran with it a bit by using the other operators to add a bit of fill. Sounds more or less like what I was thinking. Note that it loops by accident - the sound is in the first little bit. I think I can probably export the patch since that part of jSynthLib works if anyone wants it.


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