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DIN & DOUT question


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Hey everyone,

i recently purchased the DIN and DOUT boards from SmashTV after my horrible attempt of etching the boards myself.

Now i encountered a few problems with it which i didn't find solutions for.

The DIN module contains some sort of bridge over the resistors @ R1 to R4, R9 to R12, R17 to R20 and R25 to R28.

Is there any part i'm missing that goes over those Resistors, or are the holes in the middle there to link some parts of the circuit to the resistors?

Because in that case i should just use the outer two holes for the resistors i think?

For the DOUT module i encountered the following problem.

There is a 100uF polarised capicitator in the part lists, but they dont seem to have any place on the board?

Is this correct or am i just blind?

Many thanks,


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There are extra rows on the DIN modules so you can use SIP resistor networks or discrete resistors as pull-ups. There are drawings on SmashTV's site that illustrate this. There is no advantage to using one over the other.

The 100 uF capacitor is a fairly recent addition. It's C5 in this schematic.

I have made several MIDIbox projects with DOUTs and I have never used or needed this capacitor. You might, if your project uses a lot of high-current LEDs, or motors, or if it has a shitty power supply, or perhaps other reasons.

Others may disagree with me, but I would leave it out unless I needed it for some reason, especially since you'd probably have to solder it to the bottom of the board.

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