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Pots not working properly


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Hi everyone!

I recently ordered all the necessary parts to build a midibox64 and within a week, it was all ready!

Once all the unused AIN inputs were grounded, I connected the core to the computer and there were no more random MIDI events. The problem was that I couldn't get ANY midi events when I moved the pots. I have 24 pots connected and after going through them all, only 3 (all attached to different multiplexers) of them actually send out midi events, and they change midi channels and what they control as you move them along. The wires are all connected properly so I'm pretty sure there are no problems with the circuitry. So can somebody please help!

Thank you! :)

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ok after editing the asm file did you recompile it all? if not you need to recompile. are the pots linear 10k pots? if so ok, as for the grounding i never do that, i just set the number of cnx in the asm file then recompile, always works for me. have you set the correct number of mux's?

there are many other issues, the simple thing to do is put a copy of your edited asm file up here and let us check it for you. Dont assume its right and that it is not the issue.

Regardless of how you configured it , it may still be wrong. also a few pics of the assembly (soldering of the pins and pots etc, which pots you have used ie: make , model etc) by giving more information you help us to help you.

need more input please....

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Recompliling is when you use cmd to make a new hex file isn't it? if so, i've done that.

The pots are 10K but just some cheap ones from eBay, I have tested them with a multimeter and they all go from 0-5V: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/20pcs-Potentiometer-Pot-B10K-10K-Linear-shaft-15mm-/160573866115?pt=UK_BOI_Electrical_Components_Supplies_ET&hash=item2562f2c083

The other 4 pots are faders brought from little bird electronics: http://littlebirdelectronics.com/products/slide-potentiometer-10k

attached is my setup_midibox64.asm file



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- May be you can recheck the multiplexers addressing bus:

Interface to J6 of the core module. These are the address pins of the multiplexers which allow the MIDIbox to select one of eigth inputs, the appr. signal will be routed to the output of the 4051. Connection matrix:





- If you have the selfmaded ain module part, may be some wire, trace is omitted or not right connected



Edited by Janis1279
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thank you Janis!

I had the connections of the J6 wired wrong.

Now the pots are all working fine and I have assigned them to different things in Traktor. Only thing is, when the music is paused, everything works fine, then as soon as I press play on one of the decks, all of the pots send out the value of either 0 or 127, turning all the faders right down/up. Does anyone know how to overcome this?

Thank you

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