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Ctrlr based Editor for MBFM


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Junge, wir verstehen uns einfach nicht... ;-)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Ja ich weiss, mein Englisch ist richtig lausig.

Wäre das so nicht richtig, wenn ich CC32 auslassen will und die folgenden CCs bis zum nächsten freien CC um 1 zu "shiften"?

Also von 0x20-0x34 nach 0x21-0x35



assignModulator(mem_block:getByte(0x21), "OP1Attack")

assignModulator(mem_block:getByte(0x22), "OP2Attack")

assignModulator(mem_block:getByte(0x23), "OP3Attack")




assignModulator(mem_block:getByte(0x34), "OP3Waveform")

assignModulator(mem_block:getByte(0x35), "OP4Waveform")



Ich hab übrigens nen Fehler im jetzigen Panel gefunden, OP4 Sustain hat nen falschen Wert. (2f statt 2c)

Ich schau mir das morgen alles mal in Ruhe an, hab noch nicht alle Regler durchgeschaut und werd dann ne korrigierte Version hochladen.

Sorry for not speaking english.

Edited by Thomasch
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Beim weiteren Durchschauen sprang mir grad noch ins Auge, dass die Parameter Keyscaling für OP1-4 an den Drehreglern alle auf 0x24 gestellt waren, statt 0x18-0x1b.

Ich bin noch nicht durch, wenn ich noch was finde werd ichs hier posten.

Die verbesserte Version lad ich hoch, wenn alles durchgecheckt ist.



I found some bugs in the panel but need more time for investigation before i will upload a fixed version.


Edited by Thomasch
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Wäre das so nicht richtig, wenn ich CC32 auslassen will und die folgenden CCs bis zum nächsten freien CC um 1 zu "shiften"?

Also von 0x20-0x34 nach 0x21-0x35

The MBFM firmware doesn't allow to shift CCs by 1, because sometimes logical operations such as ">>2" or "&3" are used to determine the parameter type and operator number!

The only way I see would be to move all 4 OP Attack parameters to an unused range which is dividable by 4, such as 0x34..0x37

Ich hab übrigens nen Fehler im jetzigen Panel gefunden, OP4 Sustain hat nen falschen Wert. (2f statt 2c)

0x2b is the correct value.

Beim weiteren Durchschauen sprang mir grad noch ins Auge, dass die Parameter Keyscaling für OP1-4 an den Drehreglern alle auf 0x24 gestellt waren, statt 0x18-0x1b.

I fixed this and upoaded a new version to the Device Database

Die verbesserte Version lad ich hoch, wenn alles durchgecheckt ist.

Not required, it would be more helpful if you would describe the errors so that I can doublecheck if your assumption is correct and do the actual change on the "master panel" which will be uploaded to the device database.

Especially since you are doing changes which will only work with your modified firmware (CC moved to different location), your uploaded panel would only confuse people and lead to unnecessary "bug reports"

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 1 month later...

I finally fixed the display on my MBFM and gave this another spin. I am curious as to if there is a way to send a patch change even using the interface? I wasn't able to find it, although the converse works (pulling in the current patch from MBFM). That functionality would be nice if I was able to record the bank change from CTRLR into a MIDI/automation track in Ableton Live (thereby having a nice work around for Live's own poor handling of bank/patch changes).

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-> TODO (together with the missing patch store/restore capabilities)

Btw.: you could already add a simple program/bank change button to the panel by yourself, just enter edit mode and add the controllers! :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 months later...


i am using CTRLR 1209 and noticed the following issue:

After hitting the CTRLR receive button and changing the instrument's patch via datawheel afterwards,

then the instrument bank allways switches to bank A.

Is this normal?

Best regards


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