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MIDIbox roadmap


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To keep you informed how I will proceed with the MIDIbox projects, I will give you an insight into my plans for the next weeks/months:

  • All PIC16F projects will be "phased out" until end of this year to avoid any confusion about the hardware. This means that all references to the PIC16F will vanish from my website (ok, maybe I will create an archive for interested people...). The reason: In the last time I oftenly get mails from newbies who are asking for features which are already implemented in existing projects - more than 16 pots, more buttons, using encoders and pots with a single core, larger display, etc... they didn't read the MIOS page and therefore were not informed about the endless flexibility which is only given with a PIC18F. I also want to prevent that they are starting with hardware which is not supported anymore (since I already migrated all my own MIDIboxes to MIOS)
  • the MIOS port of MIDIbox64 will be released today. Together with MIOS this application already includes the basics which are required for the other projects
  • the MIOS port of MIDIbox16E will be the next one, release date: end of this month
  • the MIOS port of MIDIbox MF will be released together with MIDIbox16E
  • thereafter the MIDImon and MIDIO128 port will be released
  • and at last the MIDIbox64SEQ port end of november
  • the MIDIfilter/processor is already included in MIOS, only the documentation has to be updated
  • the MIDImerger will possibly stay the only official PIC16F project (together with a IIC slave --- later guys ;-)), but I plan to release a PIC18F version, too...

    After every project has been ported to MIOS, I will start with the final MIDI controller supported from my side: the MIDIbox NG

    MIDIbox NG will be nothing else than a combination of MIDIbox64, MIDIbox16E, MIDIbox MF and MIDIO128 with a new, more flexible data structure.

    MIDIbox NG won't be the "all-in-one device suitable for every purpose" (German: "eierlegende Wollmilchsau"), but the easiest way to send MIDI data from pots/faders/sensors/motorfaders/rotary encoders/buttons from a single core without modifying the application software.

    Special controllers, totally customized to synths, HUIs, Fx gear or whatever will still require their own application software.

    But MIDIbox NG will be a very powerful generic controller application, which will run on any MIDIbox hardware (not only on MB64/16E/MF/MIDIO128, but also on the MIDIbox SID control surface or the MIDIbox LC - for example) and which will interact with any MIDI soft- or hardware which supports generic MIDI control.

    Additionally to the features provided by the new MIDIbox64 release + the upcoming MB16E/MF following functions are planned:
    • new data structure which doesn't rely on a static number of pots, buttons, etc.
    • labels will also be provided for buttons (in fact for every physical input)
    • support for button & LED matrices (to save some DIN/DOUT modules)
    • unlimited number of events which can be sent, but limited number of events which can be received (to set the pot/fader/encoder position, MIDI controlable LEDs..) - possibly 156
    • alternative "generic receiver" which allows to receive up to 512 values (in this mode the type of MIDI event cannot be changed, only the channel can be selected)
    • multiple banksticks
    • remote control for all functions
    • direct assignment of MIDI events to pots/buttons/faders/etc... from external via SysEx (so that a setup can be saved in a song e.g.)
    • individual assigment of pot behaviour mode for every single pot
    • more flexible meta event handler which provides additional control flags, e.g. for a more elegant realization of NRPN controllers
    • a semi modular software concept which allows the users to add and share drivers - e.g. for LED rings, LED digits, display pages, menu extensions

    • Planned release date: 25. Feb 2004 at 1:22 AM ;-)

      Best Regards, Thorsten.
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Nice Work TK

Can't wait to try out the 64 port in few minutes.

I 'm sorry to be the one to ask BUT

Will you be writing some code for that midi router project while back.

I have all the parts for this and would like to make one but there's no way I could do the code for it. :-/

I don't mind to make it, test it out and do a report for the Midibox Portal. ;)

Just a thought.

Kind Regards and thanks for the toys

Ian Hurlock

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Hi Ian,

Will you be writing some code for that midi router project while back.

I have all the parts for this and would like to make one but there's no way I could do the code for it. :-/

I never promissed to start this project, I only proposed how it could be realised and made a schematic to clarify the principle. I wrote that I maybe would program the firmware if somebody would build the hardware for me (just for having fun during the programming of a multi-slave system).

In the meantime I created the MBHP_USB so that I don't need a router as multi-MIDI-IO interface anymore (I've 3 of them, makes 6 MIDI IOs, and the routing works great with MIDI-Ox), and I have a lot of plans for the next months. So I can only say: you have to search somebody else who is interested in implementing such a hardware.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hello Thorsten,

geez, your roadmap is more than impressive; I wonder how you'll be able to cope with it...  Will you have time to eat from time to time?  ;)

But anyway I got another question: you did not mention the aout function / hardware in your roadmap. Does that mean you will pay attention to it no earlier than next year?  :'(

Don't get me wrong; I don't wanna push you. It's just the most interesting thing to me on your page.

regards, SB

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Will any application that has been written for the MIOS platform by operational in the NG platform, since you said that NG = MIOS (+ additions)? Or do some changes have to be made to make it compatible?

You said this would be the final controller that's supported by your side? What does that mean? After the NG project you're planning a very big vacation and others will take over your work? ;D

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That's cool Tk ( re the router ) had to ask ;) ;)

Have been playing with the MB64 Port, there are some very nice apps on there. Specially the naming functions for buttons, nobs etc. Much delight. 8) 8)

But the NG sounds like the thing to beat all things.

Bring it, my soldering iron's nevr off these days 8) 8)

Thanks again



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Hi *,

I'm back - some words to your questions:

But anyway I got another question: you did not mention the aout function / hardware in your roadmap. Does that mean you will pay attention to it no earlier than next year?

This roadmap only lists my plans for "MIDIbox controllers". Of course, other tasks will run in parallel. ;-)

Some words to the AOUT module: I already wrote the driver some months ago, it can now be found at the MIOS download page. But the hardware is still uncomplete - since I don't own an analog synth with CV inputs yet, I'm just not able to test the circuit - and I don't want to start with a PCB before the module works perfectly.

If somebody is interested, I could create a schematic of the current circuit with a cheap voltage reference and an output voltage range of 0V and 4.096V - the final module should come with an improved v reference and an OP-amp driver for extended voltage range (e.g. 1V/octave)

Will any application that has been written for the MIOS platform by operational in the NG platform, since you said that NG = MIOS (+ additions)? Or do some changes have to be made to make it compatible?

Possibly you misunderstand me, there is no "NG platform", there is the one and only MIDIbox Hardware Platform MBHP and the one and only operation system MIOS.

MIDIbox NG is just an application which simplifies the use of pots/encoders/motorfaders/buttons... at the same time without modifying the source code, and it will provide an additional API to simplify the integration of custom extensions (programmed and shared by the community).

You said this would be the final controller that's supported by your side? What does that mean?

MIDIbox NG is just a spin-off project of the MIOS based MIDIbox64/MIDIbox16E/MIDIbox MF/MIDIO128 applications, just a variation - and I think that it will provide all the features which are necessary to setup a flexible controller w/o programming skills. It should cover all the needs for a "generic controller".

After the NG project you're planning a very big vacation and others will take over your work?

I prefer not to talk about my other plans, just to prevent that anybody relies on it (see MIDI router, which was nothing more than a suggestion...) --- and to prevent that this forum reaches the file quote again ;-)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Thorsten,

Some words to the AOUT module: I already wrote the driver some months ago, it can now be found at the MIOS download page. But the hardware is still uncomplete - since I don't own an analog synth with CV inputs yet, I'm just not able to test the circuit - and I don't want to start with a PCB before the module works perfectly.  

If somebody is interested, I could create a schematic of the current circuit with a cheap voltage reference and an output voltage range of 0V and 4.096V - the final module should come with an improved v reference and an OP-amp driver for extended voltage range (e.g. 1V/octave)

Basically, I'm interested in it (of course! ;) ), but I have the same problem: I do not own an analog synth with CV input myself.

Thing is I'm looking for a good working MIDI2CV converter to be able to build my own synth. And I'd rather build the converter myself than to buy one, because of flexibility, price and -of course- the fun.

I hope you are building it anyway in a while.  ;)

regards, SB

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I have built midi to CV converter, that goes with my TB3030, but it works at an unusual standard of 0.8v/octave. It works well, and the supplier Oakley Sound Systems sells a kit that works at the usual standard of 1V/octave as well. The only thing I don't like about mine (TBdac) is that it dosen't smooth out the 128 positions of the pitchbend knob, but that is partly because I have set the pitchbend to a fairly large range.

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i am interested in th3e aout as well...i have a sequential pro-1 i could use it for, and was also wanting to add it to my sid so i can use an extra lowpass filter in it(thinking of cem or ssm).

only problem is i don't have a midibox yet, i am currently funding the sid project, then i'd like a midibox....so it might be a while b4 i could test it.....could i install it in my sid and control the pro one from there??? i should have a functional sid in a few weeks, providing no delays in sourcing parts...i have two sids now and all the pic's i need (enough for 2 4 sid's and a couple boxes!thanks to free samples!). only problem would be out of stock parts and shipping delays...should be able to order the rest of what i need for a basic setup friday! i can't wait...

if i can run the aout from the sid , let me know so i can order parts for it too! then i will test it out!!

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