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How does it look like if the USE_TWO_LCDS option is disabled?

And are you able to provide me the SysEx strings which have been sent by the host application to reproduce this?

(e.g. if you are working under MacOS, use the snoize MIDI monitor with a "spy" MIDI Out)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hello KUI

Im doing the same for SAC at the moment. Maybe we can work together...?

How much channel numbers are you planing? And do you want to integrate the EQ as well? I already have a solution i can provide if you are interested...

And I asked TK if he wold provide the MM emulation in CH2 and CH3 as well so it can get a 24CH as SAC maximum is...

Have a look here if you speak German: www.vlr-projekte.blogspot.com

Best regards


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Hello KUI

Im doing the same for SAC at the moment. Maybe we can work together...?

How much channel numbers are you planing? And do you want to integrate the EQ as well? I already have a solution i can provide if you are interested...

And I asked TK if he wold provide the MM emulation in CH2 and CH3 as well so it can get a 24CH as SAC maximum is...

Have a look here if you speak German: www.vlr-projekte.blogspot.com

Best regards


Hi Novski,

I am only looking for scribble strips and faders. All other functions are controlled by mouse and touch.

I have already built a 32 fader controller based on 4 bcf2000.


The bcf2000's work well, but are too loud when they all land together after changing mixers.

I have 40 channels worth of mbmf-ng boards built.

I am hoping to use ssd1306 oleds for display.

This is a large learning curve.


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Sounds interesting.

And you are right, the Behringer are to loud for conference or singer song writer stuff. I want to eliminate mine as soon as possible.

I mostly only use the CH1 Fader (because mine are not so nice aligned as yours and i always grab the false fader) and now I'm trying to get access to all parameters of the Hot Channel as well...

I use a Electronic assembly 2x16 OLED Display. Mostly because it is supported... :smile:

good luck!


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Sounds interesting.

And you are right, the Behringer are to loud for conference or singer song writer stuff. I want to eliminate mine as soon as possible.

I mostly only use the CH1 Fader (because mine are not so nice aligned as yours and i always grab the false fader) and now I'm trying to get access to all parameters of the Hot Channel as well...

I use a Electronic assembly 2x16 OLED Display. Mostly because it is supported... :smile:

good luck!


A selected chanel module holds much interest to me. I noticed you had an OSC data connetion in your plan.

Do you know how write/format osc data.

I am trying to get BobL to add an OSC control template to SAC. He has to learn the format and particulars.


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yes if you use a LPC17 Core you are able to Control over Ethernet with OSC Gear. But i didn't look at that until now. I just thought about it for a advanced feature. The good thing is, that its possible to connect over midi after implementing it in software of Midibox... So there is no need of BobL...

You write you have 40Ch of MBMF_NG. How do you want to connect those 40 Faders with SAC? I thought that there is a limit of 32 with the Behringer and with MotorMix it is 24 as well as Mackie with 8+1... I don't know about a Template that provides 40CH...

Best regards


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Alright, I fixed this - please update the repository.

Later today I will overwork the LCD handling again, it's too cumbersome and error-prone as you noticed.

Instead I will generalize the "buffered LCD" method which I implemented for MBSEQ.

This method has also the advantage, that characters are only transfered to the LCD when they have been changed to increase the performance (especially important when GLCDs are used)

OSC: the uip_task_standard module is already included. Once you know the OSC packets which are sent/received by the host, I can enhance the osc_server/osc_client accordingly.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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yes if you use a LPC17 Core you are able to Control over Ethernet with OSC Gear. But i didn't look at that until now. I just thought about it for a advanced feature. The good thing is, that its possible to connect over midi after implementing it in software of Midibox... So there is no need of BobL...

You write you have 40Ch of MBMF_NG. How do you want to connect those 40 Faders with SAC? I thought that there is a limit of 32 with the Behringer and with MotorMix it is 24 as well as Mackie with 8+1... I don't know about a Template that provides 40CH...

Best regards



I only meant that I have 40chs of mbmf-ng built.

2-16 ch 21" lcdtouch screens will carry 32 channels of the Zmixer in SAC


Thanks that did it:)


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Here are the results , thanks.


I am trying to build MMV3 on Midi ch 2. No luck changing the mm ch in mm_hwcfg.c


// define the MIDI channel to which this MM listens and transmits here:

// (Allowed values: 1-16)


u8 mm_hwcfg_midi_channel = 1;

Is this the proper place to change the device midi ch?



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I updated the firmware for the new BUFLCD driver (the complete repository has to be updated).

You shouldn't really notice a difference - but in future it will be much easier to spread the message over more than 2 LCDs (e.g. 4 2x20 LCDs)

To the MIDI channel situation (Apple wording): mm_hwcfg_midi_channel only sets the MIDI channel for buttons and encoders.

For motorfaders you need an MBHP_MF_NG update which hasn't been released yet.

@novski: is the preliminary MBHP_MF_NG release working at your side?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I updated the firmware for the new BUFLCD driver (the complete repository has to be updated).

You shouldn't really notice a difference - but in future it will be much easier to spread the message over more than 2 LCDs (e.g. 4 2x20 LCDs)

To the MIDI channel situation (Apple wording): mm_hwcfg_midi_channel only sets the MIDI channel for buttons and encoders.

For motorfaders you need an MBHP_MF_NG update which hasn't been released yet.

@novski: is the preliminary MBHP_MF_NG release working at your side?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Thank you I will update and report.

As to the midi channel, I understand the MBHP_NG update is needed. What about the displays on midi ch 2 ,3 etc?

Thanks in advance


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Hi TK.

Im busy right now and can't test at least until next Weekend.


Maybe you want to test is Manual as TK mentioned he sent me a describtion about how to make the direct Hex files for CH2 and CH3.

I translated it:

Load the new firmware under: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_mf_ng_v1_003.zip

As the configuration over MIOS Studio is not finished you have to make your .hex File for the CH2 and CH3 by your own.

Thats pretty easy: go to File src/mf_presets.inc and change this line:

db 0x00, 0x00 ; MIDI channel (0..15), reserved


db 0x01, 0x00 ; MIDI channel (0..15), reserved

for the Core of CH3:

db 0x02, 0x00 ; MIDI channel (0..15), reserved

Then execute:

gpasm -p p18f452 -I./src -I ./include/asm -I ./include/share -I ./modules/app_lcd/dummy setup_mbhp_mf_ng_standard.asm

You have to assemble the code and load it to the right core in the chain...

"gpasm" is available under: http://gputils.sourceforge.net

I hope i translated right.

best regards


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Hi TK.

Im busy right now and can't test at least until next Weekend.


Maybe you want to test is Manual as TK mentioned he sent me a describtion about how to make the direct Hex files for CH2 and CH3.

I translated it:

Load the new firmware under: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_mf_ng_v1_003.zip

As the configuration over MIOS Studio is not finished you have to make your .hex File for the CH2 and CH3 by your own.

Thats pretty easy: go to File src/mf_presets.inc and change this line:

db 0x00, 0x00 ; MIDI channel (0..15), reserved


db 0x01, 0x00 ; MIDI channel (0..15), reserved

for the Core of CH3:

db 0x02, 0x00 ; MIDI channel (0..15), reserved

Then execute:

gpasm -p p18f452 -I./src -I ./include/asm -I ./include/share -I ./modules/app_lcd/dummy setup_mbhp_mf_ng_standard.asm

You have to assemble the code and load it to the right core in the chain...

"gpasm" is available under: http://gputils.sourceforge.net

I hope i translated right.

best regards


Thanks novski,

I got 2 working.

You also have to change

MF_PRESETS_CFG db 0x08, 0x00 ; number of faders / operation mode

To db 0x08, 0x19 ; number of faders / operation mode


The BUFLCD version seems to be working fine.

I have attached a working set of SAC .syx files for the bcf2000.

Would it be possible to intergrate them into the mbhp_mf_ng?


Thanks for everything.


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I am starting to dive into OSC.

"OSC: the uip_task_standard module is already included. Once you know the OSC packets which are sent/received by the host, I can enhance the osc_server/osc_client accordingly."

Do lc_v2 and mm_v3 already respond to OSC commands? If so is there a list of the commands ie:[ /pitch/1 value, /pitch/2 value ], etc?



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Yes, various protocols are already supported.

A list can be found at the end of this page: http://www.ucapps.de/midio128.html

(still haven't found the time to create a generic description... most MIOS32 apps use the standard OSC client/server meanwhile)

The protocol can be configured in the MIOS terminal (type 'help' for available commands) for port OSC1..OSC4

You could use the MIDI router (configurable in the terminal as well), to forward incoming and outgoing motorfader events from IN4->OSC1 and OSC1->OUT4

(assumed that your MBHP_MF_NG module is connected to J4B, for J5A connections use IN3/OUT3)

Btw.: if you are working on a Mac, you could even transport SysEx messages via OSC by using the osc_midi_proxy: http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Ftools%2Fosc_midi_proxy%2F

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Yes, various protocols are already supported.

A list can be found at the end of this page: http://www.ucapps.de/midio128.html

(still haven't found the time to create a generic description... most MIOS32 apps use the standard OSC client/server meanwhile)

The protocol can be configured in the MIOS terminal (type 'help' for available commands) for port OSC1..OSC4

You could use the MIDI router (configurable in the terminal as well), to forward incoming and outgoing motorfader events from IN4->OSC1 and OSC1->OUT4

(assumed that your MBHP_MF_NG module is connected to J4B, for J5A connections use IN3/OUT3)

Btw.: if you are working on a Mac, you could even transport SysEx messages via OSC by using the osc_midi_proxy: http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Ftools%2Fosc_midi_proxy%2F

Best Regards, Thorsten.

So I was able to get the mbmf-ng through the core to output OSC data and move 8 faders on an Ipad running touchOSC.

I was NOT able to get the TouchOSC on the Ipad to move the faders.

I can see the osc data when connected to the MiosStudio OSC tool.

I can not get them to move when inputing OSC code fron the MiosStudio OSC tool.

I can move the TouchOSC faderss using the Mios OSC tool.

Any thoughts?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still haven't found the time to check the proposed OSC configuration at my side... :-(

To the display issue: I never tested more than 5 CS lines... (and everything which hasn't been tested usually doesn't work ;-))

However, on a first look the driver looks ok and uncritical regarding the number of supported CS lines (up to 8 are available).

What happens if you swap the CS lines of a "working" and "not working" LCD?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Still haven't found the time to check the proposed OSC configuration at my side... :-(

To the display issue: I never tested more than 5 CS lines... (and everything which hasn't been tested usually doesn't work ;-))

However, on a first look the driver looks ok and uncritical regarding the number of supported CS lines (up to 8 are available).

What happens if you swap the CS lines of a "working" and "not working" LCD?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

So I got all 8 displays to work. There appears to be a mistake on the lcp17 core board. IC2 pin 7 (also the 8th cs line) is connected to both j15a&b pin 14 and p1.19 of the expresso module, this is usb ppwr. This coonection makes the 7th cs pin high. I broke the trace on my core board bottom side between IC2 pin7 and p1.19. Now the eight SSD1306 works.


Now to spread the mmv3 and LCv2 over thesee nice displays.


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