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[sammichFM] software upload is not successful / solved


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ciao tutti,

after i assembled two sammichFM boxes - what has been a fun and didactic über-useful process fo far - i have trouble getting them to work eventually.

i will start with the one i get the farthest with; let's call him Ebony. i hope in the end his brother - Ivory - suffers the same problems.

after repeated successful voltage tests, i launch MIOS Studio 2.3.1, query the sammichFM and get the status of an up & running application. i can initiate an upload of the current MBFM software (setup_pic18f4685_sammich_fm.hex from midibox_fm_v1_4e.zip) which progresses without errors onto 100%.

but after a reboot of the sammichFM - which isn't evoced after upload by itself, the expected software will not launch, but instead there still will be READY. message on the lcd again. also, querying the machine with MIOS Studio again will lead to the same output as before; there's no mentioning of any further software than the MIOS itself.

unfortunately i can't be sure if my midi-setup isn't another one of these overbugged things in my life - and responsible for the above described. the point is, i can't even be sure whether the sammichFM will be recognized by the MIOS Studio every time. i didn't find a reproducity to gain success or failure fo far. at least it seems to me that restarting the MIOS Studio increases the chances of a successful query; but i haven't made a statistical evaluation yet.

so far i used a M-Audio Audiophile usb-interface on WindowsXP and a borrowed Akai MPD24 on WindowsXP, Windows7 and Linux 3.2, with the latter combination turns out most solid.

so, any hint on what i should check next will be highly appreciated.

have a nice day!

Edited by SuburbanBoy
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I haven't worked with the PIC core at all, so I don't know how to tell it to stop running the bootloader and start the application.

But whenever I upload code to the LPC17 core using the bootloader and then reset the core (putting it in "Run" rather than "Bootloader" mode using a jumper on the board), I also have to close and restart MIOS Studio in order for it to see the core. Well, MIOS Studio will "see" it if I just press "rescan MIDI devices", but it still won't be able to talk to it until I restart it. I've only tried this all on Linux (Ubuntu 10.04).

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afaik, there is no jumper to toggle on the sammichFM.

i have a question regarding my understanding of a basic correlation: am i assuming right, that i would not only monitor the data transmitted to the sammichFM on the JUCE output, but on the corresponding output of the midi-interface too when using a tool like kmidimon?

btw, i just noticed i posted in the wrong board. sorry for that. who may relocate this thread to the Troubleshooting board?

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hmpf, i meanwhile got a new interface (Midisport 2x2), but it turned out to be a step backward for the time being.

the curiosity is, that when both cables - In and Out - are connected to corresponding ports (A or B), the sammichFM isn't starting up successfully at all. the LCD will only show a fully filled first line that is 'rendered' for a short time after power-on. voltages to the lcd are still fine.

this will not happen if only one cable is connected or the cables are on different ports (A-In B-Out / B-In A-Out).

anyhow, on any cable setup with a MIDI-Out connected, the upload request will not be monitored by MiosStudio. unsure.gif

i think i remember of having read something similar in context of midi troubleshooting and was solved with a little hack, but i can't refind it now.

i wonder what is hould do next, take a bang with a wall or smoke a sports cigarette.

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hmpf, i meanwhile got a new interface (Midisport 2x2), but it turned out to be a step backward for the time being.

Take care! The MIDIsport 2x2 has a "MIDI THRU" switch in front, which will forward MIDI IN to OUT without USB being involved.

This switch has to be latched in ("turned on") to enable USB

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Take care! The MIDIsport 2x2 has a "MIDI THRU" switch in front, which will forward MIDI IN to OUT without USB being involved.

This switch has to be latched in ("turned on") to enable USB

"That's a bingo!"

well, i'd had to know that the point was something out of my autistic focus.

so, everything is working fine and there are two happy silbings around:


flowers.png nILS! flowers.png TK! flowers.png Wilba!

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