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Will the MIDIbox64e build work for a keyboard controller?


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I have a 2 part question.

1 - I want to build a controller which will transmit MIDI over USB... from the wiki, I read this..

USB modules (both) This is under heavy reconstruction by TK, and NOT a beginners project by any means! You will have to solder SMD´s and program 24LC EEPROMS or more, so think about getting a commercial 2In/2Out USB-MIDI interface instead! Those don´t cost much more than the components of these modules and so the USB modules are more something for DIY purists, I think… although I have two of them … *eeeeeerrr*….:P ;D

Would this cut it? I only need 1 MIDI I/O and I plan on using USB primarily for MIDI transfer between my controller and the PC.

#2 (the big question)

I want to build the following....Can somebody doublecheck my homework...??

3 octave keyboard w/ pitch and modwheel (velocity sensitive) = 37 analog inputs + 2 = 39 analog inputs

16 drum pads = 16 digital inputs

8 faders = 8 analog inputs

8 buttons for track mutes = 8 digital inputs

16 rotary encoders = 32 digital inputs

7 transport buttons and 4 bank select buttons = 11 digital inputs

My shopping basket so far would be....

2 MBHP_AINSER64 (47 analog IN's)

3 DIN's (77 digi IN's)

MB-6582 Baseboard Parts Kit w PIC18F4685


(and my MIDI interface - if applicable)

Thanks in advance for any help and time taken out to assist!!

Edited by Dreadknot
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MB-6582 Baseboard Parts Kit w PIC18F4685

this definitely won't work! The MB-6582 base board is intended for MIDIbox SID only!

Please have a look into this thread where we discuss the upcoming MIDIbox NG:

It will natively support USB, which answers your first question.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Yea, sorry... I actually caught my error and didn't come back to edit my post.

So, I have to wait for the rollout of NG? Because after another review I figured CORE_LPC17 would be the way to go.

That would be a major bummer if I had to put my shopping binge on hold...Would I at least be able to buy all the same components while I wait for the core or are those going to be phased out too??

Thanks for the response by the way!

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Yes, you will need:


1 MBHP_AINSER64 (for the faders and mod/pitchwheel)

1 MBHP_DIO_MATRIX (to scan the keyboard matrix - includes two DINs and two DOUTs, although only two DINs/ 1 DOUT is used) - see also http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_kb.html for details. This firmware will be part of MBNG in future.

3 MBHP_DINX4 (77 digi IN's)

1 SD Card

For the encoders, you could consider to buy this nice PCB which supports LED rings as well, and which comes with the required DIN shift registers:

Advantage: this saves one DIN module at your side, and encoders can be soldered directly on the board which improves robustness.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Yes, you will need:


1 MBHP_AINSER64 (for the faders and mod/pitchwheel)

1 MBHP_DIO_MATRIX (to scan the keyboard matrix - includes two DINs and two DOUTs, although only two DINs/ 1 DOUT is used) - see also http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_kb.html for details. This firmware will be part of MBNG in future.

3 MBHP_DINX4 (77 digi IN's)

1 SD Card

For the encoders, you could consider to buy this nice PCB which supports LED rings as well, and which comes with the required DIN shift registers:

Advantage: this saves one DIN module at your side, and encoders can be soldered directly on the board which improves robustness.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Oh yea, I already jumped on that bulk order!! That LED Ring PCB alone is going to take me a month to solder up!! :(

Cool, gonna go do some shopping now.

BTW: What is the SD card for?

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I have a question about the LCD I want to purchase..

The WIKI says

MIOS supports internally Hitachi HD44780 compatible character displays. They are the industry standard for the character displays, but not all “standard†displays have this particular chip. Many, however, have compatible chips which will work just as well:

And I looked up the technical data sheet for this LCD


It says the character display is standard but the driver chips spec is listed as "standard". And it's "chip on glass" as opposed to chip on board.

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I know this community likes to make us n00bs do their homework lol...

Here is what I came up with when applying a little initiative..

Mark @ Midas said..


Thank you for your email regarding the MC42004A6W-FPTLA

Nearly all character displays controllers have a derivative of the HDD44780

This display has an SPLC780D controller. Specification attached

So it's a derivative of the HDD44780 controller....

from what WIKI says though.. SPLC780 definitely works.

this is SPLC780(D)


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