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Midibox Link - Optocoupler question


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I have read all about chaining multiple MIDIboxes (via J11) and how I should configure the modules as MIDIbox Link Forwarding and Endpoint. Everything is well documentated here ;).

I want connect 2 PIC18F452 together, because the second core needs also some MIDI Messages, which are generated from the first core.

Some things should be a little bit clearer for me:

Is it allowed to stuff the linked core also with his own optocoupler, so that the linked core can also receive messages from his own MIDI-IN port?

Is the first core able to send data through its own MIDI-OUT out as well (so that it routes all events to his own midi-out and to the linked core2 the same time)?

I'm afraid, because somewhere in a documents/schematics I have found a note: "Optocoupler NOT stuffed!" for thatt linked core.

Thanks and greets,


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Is it allowed to stuff the linked core also with his own optocoupler, so that the linked core can also receive messages from his own MIDI-IN port?

No, because MIDI has no collision control, and also no handshaking protocol to ensure that MIDI events don't get lost.

So - it doesn't make much sense... and therefore you actually would need a MIDI merger if you want to handle such a setup properly.

Is the first core able to send data through its own MIDI-OUT out as well (so that it routes all events to his own midi-out and to the linked core2 the same time)?

I'm not sure if I understood the question correctly....

The first core has only a single MIDI OUT. As a forwarding point it will send incoming data, but also it's own generated data to the MIDI OUT.

I'm afraid, because somewhere in a documents/schematics I have found a note: "Optocoupler NOT stuffed!" for thatt linked core.

The optocoupler is not stuffed to avoid a short circuit under certain circumstances.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I'm not sure if I understood the question correctly....

The first core has only a single MIDI OUT. As a forwarding point it will send incoming data, but also it's own generated data to the MIDI OUT.

That is correct. Maybe i don't formulate the question correct:

You say it is allowed to stuff the first core with an optocoupler. So, will the first core send data forward to the midi-out port and also to the linked second core (J11) at the same time? So that it works like a router to the linked core, but that i can also get data out of the first core's midi-out?

greets, rio

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You say it is allowed to stuff the first core with an optocoupler. So, will the first core send data forward to the midi-out port and also to the linked second core (J11) at the same time? So that it works like a router to the linked core, but that i can also get data out of the first core's midi-out?

Yes - that's the purpose of the integrated MIDI merger.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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thank you for all that information, that was very helpful :)


last thing, not sure, if it is a bit out of focus:

From an electrotechnical view: Is it allowed to feeding an external MIDI-Device with J12 MIDI-OUT PORT from core1, while core1 is also linked to core2 with J11 or could that setup surge core1? Or do I need an extra LTC-Module for that purpose?

have nice holidays, greets rio

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