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New GLCD Fonts, Bars, Icons for MIDIbox NG

John E. Finster

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hi, i´m in the middle of creating some new fonts and nice graphics for glcds and i want to share some preliminary results  :happy: .


this is how my mackie control emu might look like when it´s finished (some day... :whistle: ).


what you can see here is a very nice font for the "title", some icons for mute,solo,rec and monitor status (those invert, when the track is muted, soloed, etc.) and some high definition bars (128 steps) for pan and volume (or other parameters). the label of the bars are the default "normal" midibox font.


i´m using some very nice and small ssd1306 displays with a 128x64 px resolution, so especially the bars are quite big, 128x16 px, to improve readability.


i will create smaller bars, more additional fonts and icons and make them available to everyone in a few weeks, once i took care of the problems i´m still fighting with.

Edited by John E. Finster
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regarding the "title" font: it is one of my personal favourites, it reminds me a bit of old gear i used a few years back  :happy:.

but the main reason i chose this one for now is that it could be easily implemented without much additional bitmap modification and the letters fitted perfectly into a 12x16 pixel field. i´m working on other more practical fonts right now  :ahappy: . this one is more or less to prove to myself that i actually can do that. i aquired a profession, that has absolutely nothing to do with programming or electronics whatsoever, so this was a little challenge for me.

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