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USB port dead on lpc17

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Existing installation, has been working properly for weeks. Mios Studio 2.4.2 stopped seeing the LPC after a query. Tried 2.4.4, same result 

PC says no midi devices connected, although the USB cable is in place. Reconnected 2x2 USB interface to pic8 and PC, and query successful so PC USB working ok., and didn't run the loopback test. 

The surface unit connected to the LPC boots up as normal (with USB cable connected), all functions seem normal.  Access to DINs, DOUTS, Router, mon. all are normal.  MSD activates, but nothing sent to the pc.  PSU voltages normal.\on the LPC.  Led on the core appears normal.

Per schematic, TX and RX go directly to the processor.  All solder connections on the USB connector re-worked.

Question: Is there another way to connect to the PC other then through the USB port?

Question: Does the ethernet  (OSC) port connect directly to the LPC core ?

Question; is there a way to connect the midiin1/midiout1 on the router to the LPC core with jumpers, an existing connector designed for a different app. ?

Questiion:  could the bootloader/mios/midio128 be corrupt?

is the LPC  USB  dead?  Are other tests available? 




PS:  LPC has latest bootloader, mios and midio128ver3-015. previously loaded, and previously working.



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Hi John,


as a first test, I´d suggest to try connecting and querying the LPC core via MIDI...

Just connect your working 2x2 USB MIDI interface to your PC, connect two MIDI Cables (MIDI IN 1 and OUT 1 on the LPC go to MIDI OUT 1 and MIDI IN 1 on the 2x2 USB interface respectively). Then you should be able to query the running core in MIOS studio (select the appropriate interfaces on the 2x2 interface) in MIOS studio first.


Did you update any software on the LPC17 recently? There was a bootloader change, that involved some changes to the USB functionality.

Many greets,


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Great!  That works.   Man you refreshed my drooping spirit?  Thank you, Thank you, Thankyou.!

Now I am a bit confused, so i need some teaching, please!

When connected with the 2x2 interface, using the midiIN1 and midiOUT1on the router, what happens with the router settings?

the current router settings are  node 1; usb1  all  out1  all, Node2 in1 all  usb1 all. and I could query the core 8 and transfer updates to it over midi.


I am using a core8 also along with the LPC and had it connected to midiin1 and midiout1 Do i move the core8 to midiin2 and midiout2 and change the router settings over to midiin2/out2? See the block diagram of my organ setup attached

My understanding of the LPC/router has been that USB is the pc which can be connected to anyone of the routers midiin and midiout ports. Am i wrong?



PS: Yes i did upgrade to the latest bootloader (rel.017?), midio128-3.015, and 2.4.4 of mios studio.  I also loaded the GM5 driver recommended by TK.

When i loaded the bootloader, I selected the "single midi" option.  Is that a problem?

Organ block Diagram - Ground.bmp

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Better to get USB working again before changing any router settings...


The GM5 driver could be the problem, did you already try to de-install it?

If not: just open the setup program and select the deinstall option...

With the single_usb option it shouldn't be relevant anyhow.

And it would be interesting of SD Card accesses via MIOS Filebrowser are working thereafter.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Peter, TK;

The GM5 driver has been  un-installed.  The device manager(winXP) displays yellow diamond by USB composite controller with the usb cable connected to the LPC.  I uninstalled the driver, rebooted and reinstalled the driver with same result - yellow diamond on the DM, and message driver is not properly installed.

I failed to mention a detail that occurred prior to having  the USB problem.  The PC became very, very slow with the USB cable to the LPC connected, not locked up, but it took minutes for things to change, upon which i just reset the machine and rebooted.  Upon reboot, the pc worked ok until I plugged in the USB cable to the LPC.


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Hi John, to debug things further, do you have any other machine available around? Laptop/Netbook/anything with a USB port? I have the feeling, that this might be a Windows XP based problem, not a MIDIbox hardware problem (which is per definition very stable!) :-)


Many greets,


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reinstalled the driver with same result


Why did you reinstall the driver?

Ah... I see, because I wrote the wrong term "de-install" (more german than english ;-) - I meant uninstall (which probably requires a reboot)


In other words: Please try the "single_usb" option without the GM5 driver.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I un-installed the GM5 driver.  "de-install is also understood.   The computer re-installed the old windows driver, but doesn't see the LPC.  Updating the driver didn't help either.

Ok, I'll do anything, but  how do i select the single_usb option?  As i recall, the option came up when i upgraded the bootloader, but how do I do it since upgrading the midio128 app, and mios studio?

I am also working at getting another computer running to confirm that its not a win xp/pc problem.



As you may or may not recall,  I was using midi in1/out1 to communicate with the core 8, and midi out2 to communicate with the Artisan sound engine.  My concern is that without the USB port on the LPC working, I can't continue as planned, without adding more midi ports, or using the A midi out port on the midiman 2x2 interface.


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Hi John,


You wrote:As i recall, the option came up when i upgraded the bootloader, but how do I do it since upgrading the midio128 app, and mios studio?As i recall, the option came up when i upgraded the bootloader, but how do I do it since upgrading the midio128 app, and mios studio?


This option doesn't just come up, you have to know about it when running the "Update Bootloader" application.  See which talks about my problems setting single USB port option.  Loading a new application like Midio128 won't change the single USB port option, it's set for life until you do another Update Bootloader function. 


Since I am posting, I was wondering if your are trying bring you entire system up when power is applied to the PC?  .  I am asking this because of having problems at Organ Stop Pizza with the Midi port not being recognized when our relay application starts to run in the autostart directory.  Had to put in a 10sec delay before starting the application.  This was also on an XP machine.



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First of all,  i brought in another XP pc, p4 processor loaded mios studio 2.4.4 and plugged in the LPC usb cable.  The PC found the LPC and attempted to load the USB composite driver which failed, bringing up the message that the device was not working properly. Now I am really confused.  The LPC worked fine prior to upgrading to the latest releases of new boot loader and midio 128.  Nothing else has been done to the system.  Should I be using a different USB composite driver?  Probably should have left things alone, but was trying to get the file browser in mios studiio to work, and the upgrade required release 10 of the bootloader. 


As for the single _usb issue,  when the pc and LPC were talking, i loaded the new bootloader and in the terminal on mios studio i enabled the single_usb.  After that I loaded the latest release of midio128. 

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Sorry to say, I don't think this will work either.  I just tried plugging my LPC units into my XP service pack 3 PC and it shows a trouble message bringing up the USB port.  This duplicates the problem that John is seeing.   I have the latest Bootloader with singe USB port enabled and Midio128 v3.015 loaded in both of my MidiBox units.  I also changed the port names just to see how it worked.   No problems on my Windows 7 PC where I'm doing my development software.  You do have a problem John.


What you need to do is go back to one of the previous releases of the Midio128 applications and see where things start working again.  I don't know if the new Bootloader would be compatible with the older applications.  Of course you need to load it using a USB to Midi cable.

Edited by kpete
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I will try to reproduce this issue.


This will probably result into some hours work at my side, but I hope that this will give me some more insight into the WinXP behaviour.


To JohnCs questions in another thread ()


> Where to find a copies of past midio128 ver 3 releases.  Was using rel .005 beforeneed the latest release that will work with the XP USB composite driver.


Backups are available, but I won't give you the links, because trying to go back to older versions can result into compatibility issues due to dependencies with bootloader and MIOS Studio. I fear that you won't be able to debug this at your side.

Please wait until I've finished the analysis.


> Need a reliable version of mios studio (I have given up on the file Browser feature of ver.2.4.4).


Probably we will never get a reliable version under WinXP


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I think (hope) that I found the issue - faster than expected.


Please try following version: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midio128_v3_016.zip


Installation via USB:

  • close MIOS Studio
  • mount the "BSL Hold" jumper J27
  • power-cycle the core
  • USB connection should work
  • open MIOS Studio
  • install midio128_v3_016
  • close MIOS Studio
  • remove the "BSL Hold" jumper J27
  • power-cycle the core
  • MIDIO128 will be started and USB connection should work again under WinXP


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I went and took your new Midio128 v3.016 and installed it on one of my LPC units.  Went over to the Windows XP PC and plugged in the USB port.  XP recognized the new device and install the driver correctly.  Good work TK.  I also checked the MSD mode by copying a few large directors to and from the SD card on the LPC.  This included the MiosStudio.exe file.  Even executed the re-copied file on the XP PC and it worked.  Did this for both XP and Windows 7 PC's.  The Midi port names on the XP showed as "USB Midi Device" rather than my configured name of "Pete" but its working.  Don't know if my XP even knows about renaming nodes.


Now lets wait for input from John.  I think he will be happy.

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