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LPC flash problem


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In my enthousiasm building  a SeqV4 I cut my LPCXpressoboard before installing the bootloader. Stupid!

I thought, and still think, it shouldn't be a problem cause I can still connect them via headers. But as soon as I connect the LPC to my USB cable LED02 starts flashing this rythm 11011011011......

If I try to flash it with the bootloader the IDE says:

02: Failed on connect: Ep(01). Target marked as not debuggable


I don't know what to do now, does anybody now what the flashing led means?

Any help appreciated!




Edited by Elektruck
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Hi Elektruck,

have you created and flashed a new "FreeRTOS project" in LPCxpresso IDE first?

This enables the flash programmer. After this you can upload the MIOS32 bootloader.

The LED should fade three times if it was uploaded correctly.

Best regards


Edited by Marxon
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have you created and flashed a new "FreeRTOS project" in LPCxpresso IDE first?

This enables the flash programmer. After this you can upload the MIOS32 bootloader.

The LED should fade three times if it was uploaded correctly.


Hi Marxon,


No, first I cut my LPCXpresso into two pieces, than I attached those two pieces with headers. Then I created a new 'FreeRTOS project'. After that I tried to flash the LPCXpresso with the project.bin as described. The IDE finds my LPC-Link probe, but as soon as I try to flash the project.bin the IDE tells me: 02: Failed on connect: Ep(01). Target marked as not debuggable


But when I create the FreeRTOS project, should I also flash that project? It thought it just creates a working space directory?!

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But when I create the FreeRTOS project, should I also flash that project? It thought it just creates a working space directory?!

Yes you are right. The "empty" project does not need to be flashed too.

Sorry for my wrong help attempt!

Thought this time i can also help somebody :(

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Yes you are right. The "empty" project does not need to be flashed too.

Sorry for my wrong help attempt!

Thought this time i can also help somebody :(

No, your 'wrong help attempt' is very welcome. Just for the the feeling I'm not alone in this.

Thanx man!

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I guess you double checked your header solderings, allready?

Just found this:


Yeah, checked it triple and also found that link. Someone there post a video of a flashing lamp and indeed it looks like what my LED is doing. He says he got his brand new lpc1768 with a program like that. But no answer. They're talking about flashmagic over there, I'm looking into it, but don't really know what to do.

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I don't know what the flashing Led 2 means but I don't know exactly what you are doing either.  What you want is to connect the 2 halves of the boards together using your headers.  Nothing else connected.  You want all 8 of the pins connected between the 2 boards.  Use an ohm meter and make sure that isn't a short between adjacent pins.  The LPC should now be electrically connected just as it came from the factory.  Plug the LPC into your PC using a USB cable.  I would just ignore the LED2 light at this time since it is the TARGET Cpu with some unknown software.  You should then start the LPCXpreso application and try to reprogram the MIOS bootloader in the TARGET.  If you get an error from the programming application it could indicate that while breaking the 2 halves apart, that you damaged one of the components on the board during the cutting process or maybe one of the runs on the circuit board.was accidentally cut. 


Here in Phx it is very dry and static electricity is a problem.  Just sitting in a chair can cause a buildup and you can draw a good arc when touching your PC for the first time.  This could also damage the LPC unit if not handled properly.


Pete Knobloch.


PS- The only project that needs to be written is your Mios bootloader.  I reprogrammed my LPC multiple times so far using the headers and it works fine.  I tried it with and without the plastic pin protector on J5 and it doesn't seem to make any difference.  I don't know about this flashmagic either but try to find it and do what they suggest.

Edited by kpete
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Hi Pete, 

What you suggest is exactly what I did. I checked all (8) connections with a multimeter and they're all connected without any shortcuts between adjacent pins.

I'm afraid I damaged something while breaking it although everything seems fine, maybe damaged by static electricity?!


I tried flashmagic but I have to specifie all kinds of stuff witch I don't understand. I'll look for a schematic and measure the traces maybe I find something wrong.

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Hi Roel,

This cutting and breaking the board apart makes me a little uneasy.  If you don't cut the groove deep enough and try to bend the board so it breaks, there is a chance that it will flex the board in such a way to affect some of the small components on the board.  My first one worked OK will a lot of scribing done with a very sharp carpet knife.  The next 2 ones were not as successful when using a large paper cuter.   The board seems to want to move no matter what I do.  The boards are still usable but the blade would cut diagonally into a portion of the holes used for the connectors.  I now use a thin band saw to separate the boards.  Bad thing here is that the blade totally destroys the holes on the programmer side of the 2 boards when split.  Wish they made more room between the cutting line. 


Maybe the best thing to do is just order another LPC board from Mouser.  

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Strange, I have never had any issues like you describe with any of my three boards. I am using a paper knife, too - obviously, you want to cut from both sides, and you want to make sure that the cuts are deep enough, so you use the blade a number of times. Also, you will have to be careful so you don't loose control over where the blade is going. But isn't that just normal when handling a knife? Other than that, I don't think there is a real issue here.

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Yess, yess yess!!! We got a winner!, even two!

Last week I ordered 2 LPCXpressoboards, one for me, one for a friend of mine. Cause I did cut my board before connecting it to a PC I did not now what to expect. Checking all over and over again, it did not what it said it should do. (like every Midibox project I start for the first time) So I drove to my friend and asked for his LPCXpressoboard, he's not ready for using it. At home I plugged it in, via the still attached LPC-Link and immediately LED02 started flashing like my board, good sign. So I uploaded the boatloader and it worked at the first time!

After that I cut this board and soldered the headers to it and attached it to my Core. Opening MIOS Studio, but it couldn't find my board. So I updated MIOS Studio, and there it was! I could even upload the seqV4 project!

Now I had a new LPC-Link board so I soldered my old, not working LPC Target board to it, (I didn't had any female headers left), and was also able to flash the bootloader into this board!

So my problem was in the LPC-Link board. I think I damaged it cutting it. Problably I wouldn't have this problem if I first upladed the bootloader and cut it afterwards. But a bit more cutting space would be nice.


Thanks for your replies and cheers!


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Its working, its working.  Great Roel,


As far as using a paper cutter or paper knife as ilmenator is calling it,  I think we have different definitions of what is being used.  The one that I had problems with you don't even scribe the boards.  You just put the board under the large blade and drop the sharp knife blade quickly onto the board, splitting it in two.  I read this option somewhere so I tried it.  I don't recommend it..



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Yess and now I have a working MB_SeqV4: http://midibox.org/forums/uploads/gallery_8360_97_1540601.jpg


Like I said before, my boxes never work at the first time. It took me half a day to find witch little pin from Wilba's CS I forgot to solder.  :pinch:


And @ Ilmenator: thanx for pointing me in the direction of Formulor. Great solution!

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Nice colour! (which especially points out, that this MIDIbox was built in the Netherlands! ;-)


Best Regards, Thorsten.


Yeah, and build during our 'new king party'. Everything was orange here. But that's just a funny coincident

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