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It would be hard as the sequencer can be defined, both in terms of software to button mappings, and the used hardware.

The Wilba panel is likely what most people use for MBseq v4.


What is it, more specifically that you would like to see added?


Or are you referring to hardware, like the TPD and a BLM like the PCBs made by ilmenator?

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It would be a question to which there is a panel that includes everything from the sequencer! Thank you, Louis.

I think what you are after is the SEQ CS PCB on this page.

It is the complete control surface for the wonderful SEQV4.

Just populate the PCB with LEDs, encoders, pushbuttons, shift registers, resistors, etc.

Add an LPC17 Core module with SDcard, a couple of 40x2LCDs and you're good!

It is a fairly complete implementation.

The SEQV4 takes a while to learn to use, but it is fantastic. 

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Thank you very much for the information! I would like to build a simple sequencer core panel, or some other solution I found on the net is a good simple sequencer, you could build! Luis. It would be nice if a panel would include everything! Thank you again!

Edited by lajos
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