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Just like "snapshot at power on"


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Hi everyone.

Is possible to have in midibox ng the option "snapshot at power on" present in midibox64?


I wish at the power-on, midibox ng automatically send the actual values ​​marked by the position of the potentiometers connected to ainser64 module.


I see in the list of .ngc parameter

"RetrieveAinserValues:" and the various "SetSnapshot:"-"LoadSnapshot:"-"SaveSnapshot:"-"DumpSnapshot:"

but i realy don't know where and when i can use it for my purpose.

Maybe with a dummy led functions?

Please help


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  • 5 years later...


sorry for updated this thread, because it doesn't worked. I use the NG V1.031 with Ainser64 board. My script section 0 is as follow:

   send CC OUT4 1 12 0
   send CC OUT4 1 13 0
   send CC OUT4 1 14 64
   send CC OUT4 1 15 64
   send CC OUT4 1 16 24
   send CC OUT4 1 17 0
   send CC OUT4 1 18 0
   send CC OUT4 1 19 0
   send CC OUT4 1 20 0  

  exec_meta RetrieveAinserValues
  exec_meta DumpSnapshot

An other section is calling by an button and is running fine.

if ^section == 1
   log "Section 1"
   if ^bank == 1
     log "Bank 1"
     log "Bank 2"

   exec_meta RetrieveAinserValues
   trigger AINSER:1
   trigger AINSER:2
   trigger AINSER:3
   trigger AINSER:4
   trigger AINSER:5
   trigger AINSER:6
   trigger AINSER:7
   trigger AINSER:8
   trigger AINSER:9


The first time using the RetrieveAinserValues didn't work. Maybe the current values are not stored into the CC as defined in NGC file. After moving the pots all works as expected.

Has anybody an idea what is wrong?




(Sorry for german English.)


Edited by Roman Midi-Opa
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Hello Zam,

is a nightmare, here the NGR script:

 # Default Start Script
 if ^section == 0
 # boot delay
   DELAY_MS 200
 # Volume
   send CC OUT3 1 07 100
   send CC OUT4 1 07 100
 # Percusion OFF
   send CC OUT3 1 66 0
   send CC OUT4 1 66 0
 # Leslie OFF SLOW
   send CC OUT3 1 68 0
   send CC OUT3 1 01 0
   send CC OUT4 1 68 0
   send CC OUT4 1 01 0
 # Vibration OFF
   send CC OUT3 1 31 0
   send CC OUT4 1 31 0
 # Distortion OFF
   send CC OUT3 1 09 0
   send CC OUT4 1 09 0
 # Reverb
   send CC OUT3 1 91 24
   send CC OUT4 1 91 24   
 # Drawbar settings
#   send CC OUT3 1 12 0
#   send CC OUT3 1 13 24
#   send CC OUT3 1 14 64
#   send CC OUT3 1 15 64
#   send CC OUT3 1 16 24
#   send CC OUT3 1 17 0
#   send CC OUT3 1 18 0
#   send CC OUT3 1 19 0
#   send CC OUT3 1 20 0
   send CC OUT4 1 12 0
   send CC OUT4 1 13 0
   send CC OUT4 1 14 64
   send CC OUT4 1 15 64
   send CC OUT4 1 16 24
   send CC OUT4 1 17 0
   send CC OUT4 1 18 0
   send CC OUT4 1 19 0
   send CC OUT4 1 20 0  

  log "Section 0 first running"

   exec_meta RetrieveAinserValues
   DELAY_MS 200
   trigger AINSER:1
   trigger AINSER:2
   trigger AINSER:3
   trigger AINSER:4
   trigger AINSER:5
   trigger AINSER:6
   trigger AINSER:7
   trigger AINSER:8
   trigger AINSER:9

 if ^section == 1
   log "Section 1 running"
   if ^bank == 1
     log "Bank 1"
   if ^bank == 2
     log "Bank 2"

   exec_meta RetrieveAinserValues
   DELAY_MS 200
   trigger AINSER:1
   trigger AINSER:2
   trigger AINSER:3
   trigger AINSER:4
   trigger AINSER:5
   trigger AINSER:6
   trigger AINSER:7
   trigger AINSER:8
   trigger AINSER:9


The section 1 triggered by a button works, so for the moment I have prees first the button in a radio_group to start.


Best Regards


Edited by Roman Midi-Opa
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Seems ok but exit command ?

So none of your CC get out at start-up? is the debug message say something like some invalid at ngr?

To what device are you sending that ?

Can you try to route these CC to USB port and monitor incoming data at your computer (eg: midi monitor for OSX)



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Hello Zam,


i've tried to do it with a dummy button:

# Dummy Button for Ainser

EVENT_BUTTON id=1000 hw_id=99  type=Meta meta=RunSection:1 button_mode=OnOnly

set BUTTON:99 1
trigger BUTTON:99

It work but no output;

[26991.610] b0 14 00   Chn# 1  CC# 20 = 0
[26991.610] b0 13 00   Chn# 1  CC# 19 = 0
[26991.610] b0 12 00   Chn# 1  CC# 18 = 0
[26991.610] b0 11 00   Chn# 1  CC# 17 = 0
[26991.610] b0 10 00   Chn# 1  CC# 16 = 0
[26991.611] b0 0f 00   Chn# 1  CC# 15 = 0
[26991.611] b0 0e 00   Chn# 1  CC# 14 = 0
[26991.611] b0 0d 00   Chn# 1  CC# 13 = 0
[26991.612] b0 0c 00   Chn# 1  CC# 12 = 0
[26991.824] b0 14 00   Chn# 1  CC# 20 = 0
[26991.824] b0 13 00   Chn# 1  CC# 19 = 0
[26991.824] b0 12 00   Chn# 1  CC# 18 = 0
[26991.824] b0 11 00   Chn# 1  CC# 17 = 0
[26991.824] b0 10 00   Chn# 1  CC# 16 = 0
[26991.824] b0 0f 00   Chn# 1  CC# 15 = 0
[26991.824] b0 0e 00   Chn# 1  CC# 14 = 0
[26991.824] b0 0d 00   Chn# 1  CC# 13 = 0
[26991.824] b0 0c 00   Chn# 1  CC# 12 = 0



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I tried to save a Snapshot trigger by section 1 and got an error:

[ 551.863] [FILE] FAILURE: tried to open file '/DEFAULT.NGS' for reading, but previous file hasn't been closed!
[ 551.863] [MBNG_FILE_R:13] WARNING: missing ENDIF command!


  if ^section == 1
   log "Section 1 running"
   if ^bank == 1
     log "Bank 1"
   if ^bank == 2
     log "Bank 2"

   exec_meta RetrieveAinserValues
   DELAY_MS 200
   trigger AINSER:1
   trigger AINSER:2
   trigger AINSER:3
   trigger AINSER:4
   trigger AINSER:5
   trigger AINSER:6
   trigger AINSER:7
   trigger AINSER:8
   trigger AINSER:9
   exec_meta SaveSnapshot


For the moment I'm busy with other things. I'll come back in some days (Carneval).  




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