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midibox seq v4l different shaped rubber buttons and aluminium case experts?

sound warrior

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hey all its trey from the uk here i'm blind and ive managed to find some one to help me give the seq v4l a second shot but i have 1 question and a request that i need help with. firstly is it possible to have different shaped rubber buttons on the seq v4l to represent its various functions? for example triangles for the  16 step keys  circles for the transport keys and a square for the mode key? 

secondly are there any aluminium case experts that would be prepared to assist me and the person helping me build the midi box sauce an aluminium compact rugged case that covers all the working parts of the device? thank you for taking the time to reed this i hope i havn't upset any one please bare with me as i'm still new here :smile: your help with these matters would be grately appreciated kind regards trey.

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Hi Soundwarrior,


I looked around for some shaped buttons unsuccessfully. I'm sure they're out there, I'll post back if I come across any. One thing that might work is just applying a dot of superglue to a few buttons to help you get your bearings, similar to the way many computer keyboards have a raised area only on the f and j keys that still allow you to find the home row. The v4l is only 3 rows high, and at least for me the whole thing can fit under my hand so it's not difficult to tell which row i'm on.


Can't help much with the case though, sorry, mine is acrylic.

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Another idea is a series of dots (like Braille?) right underneath each button where you would normally put a printed label, so you can feel it right beside the button.

Are you using the control surface PCB that is available from SmashTV? 


Just as an aside, it is possible to run the seq from MIDI remote commands.

It is also possible to generate midi commands from voice commands (quite reliably in a quiet room) with a windows 7 machine running Glovepie.


Unfortunately the glovepie.org seems to be down at the moment (there's a message from a juvenile "hacker" there) 

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There were group buys for the aluminium desktop case, and, somwhere in the posts, the spec for the case is listed - you could go to the manufacturer for a 1-off, or, possibly, even see if there was interest in another uk group buy?


As for the top panel, im probably your cheapest metal option?

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hey jullian thanks for your help am i corect in thinking you could make me the top pannel but not the hole case? also please could you link me to the thread you menssioned? i should be able to find the info do you know how many posts are in the thread? also would you be up for consaulting with the person who's helping me about this matter? some dots may help to :) to duggle i'm using the smashed tv pcb's thanks for all your help guys kind regards trey.

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he's talking about the 4L not the full seqV4, there were no metal cases that I know of ever made for that.  There were a couple acrylic designs however and it should be fairly straight forward to engrave braille with a laser.  I have some prototype LED backlit laser cut buttons being made right now, obviously the LED part is of no concern but they are designed to fit the 4L mini tact switches and you can make them any shape (or any engraving) you want

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