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Posted (edited)


I have an MB6582 with 4x8580 and 4x6581, and I got myself a stereo noise gate by building two MXR guitar pedal noise gate clones following the schematics on tagboardeffects (I built the stock version with the three changes mentioned in the very beginning) and boxing them up with a dual pot.

(UPDATE: If you build this, I advise to use 2N5485 instead of 2N5952 as transistor Q3, as it gives clearly better results. I built a second stereo unit of these today (24.7.2014), and went with the "stock version" schematic (see link above), using a 2N5952 as specified there and believing that that was what I had built before. However my earlier unit was gating the noise much more effectively, and after a while I noticed I had built it with a 2N5485, although it was otherwise like the "unmodded stock version" [bTW at some point I built the modded mono version as well and tried it on guitar, IMO the extra controls didn't really do that much]. Changing to 2N5485 fixed the problem. I don't know why this is though. Here are the datasheets, in case someone feels like researching.. 2N5952 and 2N5485.)

(UPDATE 2. March 5th, 2018. I had one more PCB for this lying around it, so I built it today and it worked without any problems. One thing I noticed was that in my screenshot below capacitors C5 and C13 are 100nF, but in the original tagboardeffects layout they're 10nF. However, I've built all mine, including the one today, with 100nF caps and haven't noticed any problems.)

The two switches can be used 1) to switch between battery and adapter power (= off for battery power), and 2) to switch off the stereo input jacks' rings to use it in mono (for guitar etc). I'm not sure, but is the second switch actually redundant, as connecting a mono plug into the stereo jacks just connects the rings to ground? I put it there as a precautionary measure to avoid buzz and other problems, but then thought maybe it isn't necessary.

Anyway, here's a YouTube video on how it works on a pair of 6581s:


Edited by jjonas
update info
  • Like 1

Very cool!


I will make this topic sticky, because many people asked for a solution in the past, and your approach looks so simple!

Also thanks for the video which perfectly demonstrates the advantage. :)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

That's funny 'cause I did exactly the same a few months ago, also using the MXR schematics. I have a single stereo input on one side, and on the other side 2 mono outputs (convenient to plug it to a mixing console) and a stereo pot to control the amount of noise gate reduction. It works really great and it is very simple to achieve, as jjonas said!

Of course, it is a bit tricky when dealing with sounds that have important gaps in volume...

Edited by tupinamba
  • 3 months later...



Another simple noise gate schematic - LPM-23  1 channel I been made on a breadboard and tested with the MB6582 with 4x 6581, too.



More detailed info about components  you can find in Mark Hammer posts in this forum http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=81918.0


- In the schematic an OP amp pins 3 and 12 are need to be connected to a +5V  chain. It's according to a pcb layout.


Regards, Janis




  • 2 years later...

Hi Jjonas (and everyone else to)

Have just ordered some of the pcbs for your noise gate from osh park. I was wondering if there was a component list anywhere to save me having to trace the pcb and match it to the tag board and/or online schematic, which may or may not be the right one!



Posted (edited)


first of all, here's a link to the shared OSH park project that mrdave45 mentioned: https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/5LTNNY5l

I'm sorry to say I don't have the component list anymore. When I was making the gates, I printed the tagboard layout, counted each component and marked them out with a pencil on the schematic so that I knew which ones were already counted... and I threw away the paper when I was finished.

Anyway, here's a screenshot of the Eagle pcb layout which will help you put the components in the right places. The component names don't really refer to anything, I have no list of which component name equals to which value ("R17 = 1M" etc.), so you have to go by the values. Now that I think of it, I'll include a screenshot with just the component values as well, it's probably easier to read.

I'm also attaching the Eagle brd file so that you can open it in Eagle to check which value belongs to which component in case the screenshot is too vague. The layout was made in Eagle 6.5.0., in case that can make a difference.

A couple of things that come to mind:

  • The pcb has space for trimmers/pots for the modified version of the noise gate (for attack and release), but in the end I didn't find they make much of a difference, so I just bridged them.
  • The noise gate takes regulated 9VDC, so for the regulator at the top I've used a 7809. The input voltage goes into "DC_IN" (upper left corner). The DC pin at the lower right corner ("9VDC") is there for feeding the regulated 9VDC on to a second stereo noise gate that I have.
  • I soldered the resistors R17 and R37 on the "underside".
  • The dual potentiometer goes to SENS1 and SENS2.
  • UPDATE 5.3.18: Capacitors C3 and C15 are 100nF in the screenshot, but they're 10nF in the original tabgoardeffects layout. However, 100nF seems to work without problems (I've built all three I have with 100nF)
  • UPDATE 5.3.18: T1 & T2 and T4 & T5 are matched pairs of 2N3904's, and T3 and T6 are 2N5485's. The ICs are RC4558's. The dual pot is 500k log.
  • I want to remind people that before someone verifies this, I cannot guarantee that this is a good product, worth people's effort etc. I'm not a seasoned pcb designer! That said, everything's worked for me, and I've been using this without problems ever since I first put it together 1–2 years ago or something like that. (UPDATE 5.3.18: I've built one more today, so let's call it verified.)




Edited by jjonas
update info

It's possible to export the part list like so:


Exported from noisegate_tonepad_4_stereo.brd at 18/02/2016 21:53

EAGLE Version 7.5.0 Copyright (c) 1988-2015 CadSoft

Assembly variant: 

Part     Value          Package          Library                Position (mm)         Orientation

1                       78XXS            v-reg                  (13.97 50.165)        R0
9VDC                    1X02             pinhead                (46.355 11.1125)      R90
ATTACK1                 PT-10S           pot                    (6.35 2.54)           R0
ATTACK2                 PT-10S           pot                    (42.2275 47.3075)     R180
C1       47nF           C025-024X044     ref-packages           (38.735 18.0975)      R0
C2       10nF           C025-024X044     ref-packages           (33.02 13.6525)       R270
C3       100nF          C025-024X044     ref-packages           (28.8925 8.5725)      R270
C4       47nF           C025-024X044     ref-packages           (18.415 14.9225)      R180
C5       47nF           C025-024X044     ref-packages           (13.0175 14.9225)     R180
C6       10uF           E2,5-5           rcl                    (41.91 11.43)         R90
C7       10uF           E2,5-5           rcl                    (37.7825 7.62)        R90
C8       10uF           E2,5-5           rcl                    (25.0825 6.0325)      R180
C9       1uF            E2,5-5           rcl                    (20.32 2.8575)        R180
C10      1uF            E2,5-5           rcl                    (17.78 19.685)        R270
C11      1uF            E2,5-5           rcl                    (11.1125 10.16)       R180
C12      1uF/NP         C025_050-035X075 rcl                    (13.0175 22.5425)     R180
C13      47nF           C025-024X044     ref-packages           (9.8425 31.75)        R180
C14      10nF           C025-024X044     ref-packages           (15.5575 36.195)      R90
C15      100nF          C025-024X044     ref-packages           (19.685 41.275)       R90
C16      47nF           C025-024X044     ref-packages           (30.1625 34.925)      R0
C17      47nF           C025-024X044     ref-packages           (35.56 34.925)        R0
C18      10uF           E2,5-5           rcl                    (6.6675 38.4175)      R270
C19      10uF           E2,5-5           rcl                    (10.795 42.2275)      R270
C20      10uF           E2,5-5           rcl                    (23.495 43.815)       R0
C21      1uF            E2,5-5           rcl                    (28.2575 46.99)       R0
C22      1uF            E2,5-5           rcl                    (30.7975 30.1625)     R90
C23      1uF            E2,5-5           rcl                    (37.465 39.6875)      R0
C24      1uF/NP         C025_050-035X075 rcl                    (35.56 27.305)        R0
DC_IN                   1X02             pinhead                (2.2225 39.0525)      R90
IC1                     DIL8             microchip              (26.035 16.1925)      R90
IC2                     DIL8             microchip              (22.5425 33.655)      R270
IN1                     1X02             pinhead                (46.355 18.7325)      R90
IN2                     1X02             pinhead                (2.2225 31.75)        R90
OUT1                    1X02             pinhead                (14.9225 2.2225)      R0
OUT2                    1X02             pinhead                (33.655 47.625)       R180
R1       22k            0204V            resistor               (44.7675 4.445)       R180
R2       1M             0204V            resistor               (44.7675 1.905)       R180
R3       1M             0204V            resistor               (41.5925 3.175)       R270
R4       1M             0204V            resistor               (18.415 12.3825)      R180
R5       100k           0204V            resistor               (15.5575 11.1125)     R90
R6       10k            0204V            resistor               (25.0825 2.54)        R180
R7       100R           0204V            resistor               (14.9225 5.08)        R180
R8       22k            0204V            resistor               (33.02 8.5725)        R270
R9       1M             0204V            resistor               (30.7975 5.3975)      R180
R10      1,8k           0204V            resistor               (15.24 7.3025)        R0
R11      1k             0204V            resistor               (39.6875 21.59)       R270
R12      2M2            0204V            resistor               (42.2275 22.225)      R90
R13      470k           0204V            resistor               (42.2275 17.4625)     R90
R14      22k            0204V            resistor               (35.2425 17.78)       R270
R15      1k             0204V            resistor               (26.67 22.86)         R180
R16      4.7K           0204V            resistor               (21.9075 22.86)       R180
R17      1M             0204/7           rcl                    (26.035 16.1925)      R270
R18      22k            0204V            resistor               (13.0175 17.145)      R180
R19      100k           0204V            resistor               (13.0175 19.05)       R0
R20      1M             0204V            resistor               (8.5725 13.6525)      R180
R21      150k           0204V            resistor               (10.4775 6.6675)      R0
R22      22k            0204V            resistor               (3.81 45.4025)        R0
R23      1M             0204V            resistor               (3.81 47.9425)        R0
R24      1M             0204V            resistor               (6.985 46.6725)       R90
R25      1M             0204V            resistor               (30.1625 37.465)      R0
R26      100k           0204V            resistor               (33.02 38.735)        R270
R27      10k            0204V            resistor               (23.495 47.3075)      R0
R28      100R           0204V            resistor               (33.655 44.7675)      R0
R29      22k            0204V            resistor               (15.5575 41.275)      R90
R30      1M             0204V            resistor               (17.78 44.45)         R0
R31      1k             0204V            resistor               (8.89 28.2575)        R90
R32      2M2            0204V            resistor               (6.35 28.2575)        R270
R33      470k           0204V            resistor               (6.0325 33.3375)      R90
R34      22k            0204V            resistor               (13.335 32.0675)      R90
R35      1k             0204V            resistor               (21.9075 26.9875)     R0
R36      4.7K           0204V            resistor               (26.67 26.9875)       R0
R37      1M             0204/7           rcl                    (22.5425 33.655)      R90
R38      22k            0204V            resistor               (35.56 32.7025)       R0
R39      1M             0204V            resistor               (40.005 36.195)       R0
R40      150k           0204V            resistor               (38.1 43.18)          R180
R41      1,8k           0204V            resistor               (33.3375 42.545)      R180
R42      100k           0204V            resistor               (35.56 30.7975)       R180
REL1                    PT-10S           pot                    (2.54 11.43)          R270
REL2                    PT-10S           pot                    (46.0375 38.4175)     R90
SENS1                   1X03             pinhead                (33.655 22.5425)      R0
SENS2                   1X03             pinhead                (14.9225 27.305)      R180
T1                      TO92             national-semiconductor (37.465 13.6525)      R0
T2                      TO92             national-semiconductor (7.9375 17.4625)      R270
T3                      TO92             national-semiconductor (20.0025 7.9375)      R0
T4                      TO92             national-semiconductor (11.1125 36.195)      R180
T5                      TO92             national-semiconductor (40.64 32.385)        R90
T6                      TO92             national-semiconductor (28.575 41.91)        R180
Z1       5,1V           ZDIO-2.5         diode                  (42.2275 7.9375)      R180
Z2       5,1V           ZDIO-2.5         diode                  (6.35 41.91)          R0


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