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MIOS32 bootloader


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Hi everyone


I am having some issues flashing the bootloader to the LCPxpresso board.. I am trying to follow this guide: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32_bootstrap_experts.html but it seems like this guide was written for another versino of the LCPxpresso IDE. I cannot find anywhere where i can create at FreeRTOS project as it is being done in the guide. The whole layout is different in the IDE. 


I have tried creating a project and then running the "program flash", but each time i get a timeout from the board and i have tried two different boards to see if i had perhaps damaged mine or something. 


I have attached a screenshot of the error i get in the LCPxpresso IDE.


I have tried searching the forums and everywhere else in search of an updated guide to flashing the bootloader, but i can't seem to find anything


Hope someone can help - thanks in advance :)





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I don't know if this helps at all, but I flashed a few xpressos last week and got a timeout error message, too. Not the same one as in your screenshot, but then again I'm probably not using the latest version (I have 4.2.3_292 from May 2012). I'm on Ubuntu but didn't have success with the GNU/Linux version of the IDE last year when I tried, so I tried using the Windows version on Virtualbox instead. That worked, but only after fiddling around with the USB connection.


Maybe this is not what your problem is, but perhaps this comes up in a search for someone else later, so I'll write it here nevertheless.


1. Start the program and connect the xpresso to the USB.

2. On XP virtualbox there is a USB device icon in the bottom right. Right-click that and you should see that the xpresso board is detected as an "unknown device". Select it to mount it. But if you now try to flash something onto it, you will get a timeout message. (This presupposes that your virtualbox USB is working normally, I don't remember how to do it, but I remember I had difficulties with it.)

3. Unmount the device in the USB devices menu.

4. Now if you check the menu again immediately, it should list a "Code Red Technologies LPC-Link Probe". Mount it, and you will be able to flash the bootloader onto it.


For some reason you need to go through the first unsuccessful flash attempt with the "unknown device"; without doing it mounting the unknown device and then unmounting it doesn't result in recognising the device.

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They did change the layout but the  steps are the same.  The mac version wasn't even out when the guide was written so I cant comment on that.  I did go through the process a few weeks back on the latest windows version and that worked fine


Right, well, it's just when i try to create a new project i don't have any of the same options as in the guide. I do not have the FreeRTOS one, but then i thought it didn't matter because this step is just about flashing the bootloader over. 




I don't know if this helps at all, but I flashed a few xpressos last week and got a timeout error message, too. Not the same one as in your screenshot, but then again I'm probably not using the latest version (I have 4.2.3_292 from May 2012). I'm on Ubuntu but didn't have success with the GNU/Linux version of the IDE last year when I tried, so I tried using the Windows version on Virtualbox instead. That worked, but only after fiddling around with the USB connection.


Maybe this is not what your problem is, but perhaps this comes up in a search for someone else later, so I'll write it here nevertheless.


1. Start the program and connect the xpresso to the USB.

2. On XP virtualbox there is a USB device icon in the bottom right. Right-click that and you should see that the xpresso board is detected as an "unknown device". Select it to mount it. But if you now try to flash something onto it, you will get a timeout message. (This presupposes that your virtualbox USB is working normally, I don't remember how to do it, but I remember I had difficulties with it.)

3. Unmount the device in the USB devices menu.

4. Now if you check the menu again immediately, it should list a "Code Red Technologies LPC-Link Probe". Mount it, and you will be able to flash the bootloader onto it.


For some reason you need to go through the first unsuccessful flash attempt with the "unknown device"; without doing it mounting the unknown device and then unmounting it doesn't result in recognising the device.


Okay, i will try and follow your guide and maybe also try on a PC


Will get back to you with success or failure :)


Thanks alot :) Really liking all of this, just have to get my head around it and make it work - the possibilities are endless with this playground:)

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I made a walk-throu lpcxpresso 5.2.6 with OSX Mountain Lion. 

best regards




Wow, nice! 


This is basically what i did, but i think my issue is something with FreeRTOS - it simply isn't there when i try and create a new project.


This is how my wizard looks:







Anyway, i will try later today or tomorrow - right now i am not home, so i cannot test. Still haven't tried the suggestions jjonas. 


Will try and look into that, plus FreeRTOS.

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Okay, now it succeeded - with the old software, the 5.2.6. The FreeRTOS one simply isn't there in the newer software. 


Anyway, i got the bootloader over and it is working :) Just followed your guide novski and tried a few times before it went through :)



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  • 2 weeks later...

if it weren't for Istel and Novski I would have never been able to program my LPC1769 on my Mac. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that I had to "activate" the LPCxpresso application before it would work with its free version. To activate it, you go to the "help" menu of LPCxpresso and select "Product Activation/Create Serial Number and Activate". That will give you a window with a long, long serial number that you shouldn't even try to write down because the are Os, 0s, Is, and 1s in it. Very confusing. I found the only way to get the serial number and activation code was to check the boxes to "Copy Serial Number to Clipboard" and "Open External Browser". When you do that, it transfers the serial number and states that it will send you an e-mail with the Activation Code. I waited for a long time to get the e-mail which never came. It turns out that the Activation Code is returned immediately just below the line in the external browser where the serial number was automatically entered. Then you can copy and paste that Activation Code into LPCxpresso Help menu "Enter Activation Code". From there things went smoothly :-)

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I have the same problem, so i searched and found this in the official LPCXpresso forum.


LPCXpresso Support:

We actually only provided FreeRTOS wizards in LPCXpresso5 and earlier for a very limited number of parts (basically just the LPC17 family).

The underlying wizard mechanism was actually rewritten for LPCXpresso6 and unfortunately the old FreeRTOS project creation mechanism did not map easily into the new world and would also not scale to cover other parts. Thus unfortunately for the moment, we don't supply any FreeRTOS wizards in LPCXpresso6. We do have some ideas for a new and improved FreeRTOS wizard mechanism for future implementation. However I unfortunately cannot current say when these might get implemented into a product release.

There are plenty of FreeRTOS examples floating around for NXPs parts though, so for the moment your best bet would be to use one of those as a starting point.

LPCXPresso Support


How can use a other Free RTOS in LPCXpresso 6 or can anyone send me the old installer?

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