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seqv4lite to seqv4 without wilba pcb ?


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I know that maybe this is a just done question but, i don't understand well:


I have a seq v4l, i want to upgrade to the seq v4, so i have the core from seqv4l i need the other parts and on the ucapps site point to the wilba pcb...but i can use the seq v3 control parts for the control surface ? there's a tutorial or something for do this ? 


This because i have some parts and kit from a not started midibox controller so i have some ain dout...module and maybe i can use this ? ....and i know that for a wilba pcb i have to wait.



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Yes. However, you will spend considerably more time building this when using individual boards, and you will obviously have more sources of potential problems in getting your SEQv4 up and running. I am not sure when the PCBs will be available again in Tim's (aka SmashTV) shop, but why not just send him an email and ask?

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Yes, you can reuse "old" MIDIbox parts, such as DOUT modules - have a look at my photo tutorial for a custom SEQ V4 build - it takes considerably more time, as ilmenator writes, but it is also a rewarding process, as you learn more about MIDIboxes, electronics, how to handle huge amounts of wires etc :-)



Have a great time!


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  • 1 month later...

I tried to build a hand wired control surface for the SEQ on vero board with a DIO matrix and two DIN iirc. I used the matrix configuration and it was a long and lousy though educative job to me. Hawkeye is right: a HUGE amount of wires..

I got it working at a 95% level, (pretty good considering my skill level) but not far enough to work with it comfortably.

So I ended up ordering Smashes / wilba's cs pcb in the end.. I also want to build the SID but did not hesitate a sec and got those pcb's as well. I am not yet up to the more complex custom control surfaces, the SCS for the midio128 is much easier.

Personal experience only of course.

Edited by EsotericLabs
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