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[S] TPD (Track Position Display) 5 semi kits for sale


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I recently received a few requests for TPD kits, as some of the parts seem to be difficult to obtain in some areas of the world - surprisingly, the 7 segment LED displays were among them. Unfortunately, I cannot do complete kits now, but I have purchased enough parts for 5 "semi" kits that should help with the most difficult parts. The semi kits consist of:



7x 7segment LED display green

2x duo LED matrix module

1x rotary encoder with switch

4x three-legged common cathode duo LED, clear or diffuse, you decide


These are thought for people who are really having difficulties finding these - as I had to pay import duties to Norway you will most probably be cheaper if you can order them elsewhere. I am asking 24€ plus shipping per semi kit as above. For more information about the TPD have a look in the Wiki: http://www.midibox.o....php?id=tpd_pcb


PM me or post interest here, I can ship immediately.


Best, ilmenator



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I'm afraid the last semi kit is gone. But I have two PCBs left, and a pair of the duo LED matrix modules. PM me if still interested. You'd only have to source the other parts yourself (which actually shouldn't be too difficult, see the BOM in the Wiki).

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