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Question about LC512 bankstick in MbSid V1.7 giving two rising sounds at startup


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Hello there,


i recently fixed my mbsid (mios1.9f and sid v1.7303e, both compiled for 18F4620). And recompiled the sidapp, so the LC512 bankstick is now supported.

What I read is, that in this sidapp there's only 128 possible patches per bankstick (as there are only 128 program changes 0xC0).

When I switch on my mbsid, I hear the rising sound (meaning found bankstick) TWO times. In contrast in the old config (in setup_8580_without_cs.asm), running the LC512 as LC256 I only got ONE rising sound.


Does that mean I have double the space now or two patch banks?

BTW: I know that bankstick addressation is hardcoded via GND/+5V on Pins 1,2,3 of the LC256/LC512


And related question to that is (have been peeking around, but then again got a little confused): How to change access to banksticks in mbsid (v1.7/mios1.9) via MIDI, i.e. BankChange or sysex.


Many thanks,


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What I read is, that in this sidapp there's only 128 possible patches per bankstick (as there are only 128 program changes 0xC0).

When I switch on my mbsid, I hear the rising sound (meaning found bankstick) TWO times. In contrast in the old config (in setup_8580_without_cs.asm), running the LC512 as LC256 I only got ONE rising sound.


Does that mean I have double the space now or two patch banks?


Yes, but this is exactly what the text above the configuration option wants to say:

    ;; select the BankStick type you are using here:
    ;;    0: "normal" 24LC256 EEPROM (32k), up to 8 EEPROMs can be connected for 8 banks
    ;;    1: 24LC512 EEPROM (64k), up to 4 EEPROMs can be connected for 8 banks
    ;;       (it is not possible to mix 32k with 64k EEPROMs, more than 4 64k devices not supported)

24LC256: 8 EEPROMS, 8 banks

24LC512: 4 EEPROMS, 8 banks


Means: one 24LC512, 2 banks, two times a rising sound during startup, alright? :)



And related question to that is (have been peeking around, but then again got a little confused): How to change access to banksticks in mbsid (v1.7/mios1.9) via MIDI, i.e. BankChange or sysex.


See http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fsynthesizers%2Fmidibox_sid_v1%2Fdoc%2Fsid_cc_implementation_chart.txt


CC # | Hex | Description                                  | Range       | Reset
   0 | 00h | Bank change                                  |  0-7: bank  |    0

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Wow! *double up* Alright! - Thank you.


I get confused sometimes by the v1 and v2 Midibox Sid Revisions.

Now then again i can use that in jsynthlib (overhauling it a bit on a mac, nicer buttons and such) to switch banks, that's great news.


Ah - btw. I have done a decent control surface patch (not all functions of mbsid impolemented,though) for a clavia nord modular g2(+exp board).

Where could I upload it, if someone is interested?




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