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+ and - keys to scroll pages


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Is there a way I could set up the plus and minus keys to move through complete pages of 16 steps?


I know that I can scroll with the cursor wheel but I would like a way to step through each page more quickly.


using the + and - keys seems like a great way to me as it is inline with how my Octatrack and Electribes work.


is it possible?


as an aside to this... can I modify the scroll wheel usage so that it defaults to scrolling through the drum types within a drum track, this is the only thing I currently use my scroll wheel for but it re-sets to "cursor" mode every power cycle.


thanks again for your patience today as I hack away through these awesome updates.



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hmmm, even back on the default settings,  pressing rewind iscorrectly stepping me back through pages saying ****Step View 1-16**** etc


BUT forward seems to yield no effect at all...any ideas?


I am considering that the button itself may be broken

Edited by phillwilson
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ok, I have managed to get the function to  work using the - key and + key


at the moment

                               SR          PIN

BUTTON_REW     3             7

BUTTON_FWD     4              7



this gives me the function I needed   however , I should now have the normal fwd and rwd buttons free to do something else with but I have lost their SR and PIN numbers in the mellee



has anyone got them written down as they default?

Edited by phillwilson
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