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SD-Card only partially working


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I'am about to build a SeqV4 based on LPC1769. Right now the core is completely soldered and the Wilba-CS is soldered except for the encoders and LEDs. As I have no SD card adapter yet, I soldered an old 256MB SD card directly to a cable attached to J16 (means I can't put the card into my computer anymore). A FAT(16/32?) partition was already there and I copied the hwcfg/wilba/MBSEQ_HW.V4 in the root directory.


The Seq doesn't complain about missing SD card anymore and is able to read the config file (which enabled the CS buttons). But when I change the config (e.g. changing Default Port from USB1 to OUT1) I get "SD Card Error !!! E 11 (FatFS: D 9)".


I had to set "single_usb 1" in the bootloader otherwise MIOS Studio was unable to contact the core which was really strange as I received (for example) the Seq's system settings and the File Browser was able to upload files (shouldn't that mean USB Midi in and out is working?!).


The File Browser is also only working partially. I can see the files at the card and I can upload files. But the download (or editing) of "larger" files doesn't work. A file with just 3 Bytes can be up- and downloaded without problems, but the MBSEQ_HW.V4 OR MBSEQ_GC.V4 for example can't be downloaded completely. MIOS Studio tells me "Invalid response from MIOS32 core during read operation!" but MIOS Terminal gives a "[FILE] Download of 22217 bytes finished."


On the other hand when I test with the USB Mass Sotrage application the up- and download works flawlessly!


Reformatting the card with sdcard_format doesn't help. Beside this I have the impression that the MIOS terminal also has some Problems with my core. Sometimes the output from the core seems to be incomplete. Can't say that for sure, as I don't know the expected output (maybe it's an idea to modify the interface to print something like "done" at the end?). But I during the troubleshooting I saw that the output was truncated in the middle of an ip-address for the OSC interface, so I guess that something is not ok.


Unfortunately I can't test with another card as I neither have one and also have to order an adapter in China first (guess that will take 3 weeks or so). But before I go on with soldering and ordering panels etc. I like to make sure that this is not a problem with the core or somethin else.


Any ideas? Thanks a lot in advance!

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Since I created/initialized a "Session", the error message "SD Card Error !!! E 11 (FatFS: D 9)" does no longer appear and I can save settings like the Default Port. I did not know that the Default Port is saved in the session files. Unfortunately this took a while since the error message is a little bit too generic.


I also had to learn that the session name "Default" is a reserved word for a "special" session. Once created, I can't delete it with the Seq (but I can delete the files with the Filebrowser).


The other problems with MIOS Filebrowser still exist (upload works, download doesn't) but I guess this is a problem with my old Windows XP installation?!


Now I'm learning how this thing works. Seems to be a very powerful and useful device. Thanks TK and Midibox folks!

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  • 1 year later...
On 26/01/2015 at 6:29 PM, verpeiler said:

The File Browser is also only working partially. I can see the files at the card and I can upload files. But the download (or editing) of "larger" files doesn't work. A file with just 3 Bytes can be up- and downloaded without problems, but the MBSEQ_HW.V4 OR MBSEQ_GC.V4 for example can't be downloaded completely. MIOS Studio tells me "Invalid response from MIOS32 core during read operation!" but MIOS Terminal gives a "[FILE] Download of 22217 bytes finished."


I get a similar issue; larger file downloads (and "Edit Text" commands) always time out using an STM32F4 Core. This was on Win10, so I tried on an older Win7 machine. Interestingly I could replicate the problem there, but after a bit of fiddling around with downloading smaller then larger files I was eventually able to Edit Text on everything. Back to the Win10 computer, even this didn't help.

An acceptable workaround is to edit text files in your favourite program and simply Upload to the Core/SD card that way. 


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Same here with large .NGC, when editing via file browser and save, sometime time out happen en completely corrupt the SD card (need a reformat in OSX...)

One possible explanation I have in my use case (I can actually repeat it sometimes) is when the communication to/from the core is full active with lot of data transfer, like "debug on" with lot of sysex stream, or when tuning my system with lot of jitter and data coming from AINSER, or if the system is active/connected to the DAW and I update parameter/configuration via MIOS studio at the same time.

Something in the MBNG and MIOS32 don't work well when flooded with data.



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