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Help with configuration.


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I have a problems with configuration my midibox.

I'v done adapter for fatar 88 keybed and it works.

The point is when i use Midibox KB i can get my keybed working perfectly, but dont know howto run Pitch and Mod wheels and two aftertouch strips attached to AINSER64.

When i try to use Midibox NG i can't manage to run nothing.

I know that for you guys it's propably super simple, but im not good in this things :(

I really tried many times, read the whole manual, and still cant get it working :(

If someone be so kind and would help me, and tell me if I should use Midibox Kb or NG and help with configuration files, it would be so great.

Checked the ainser on mios128 and it works.

Two Aftertouch strips giving me signals on CC# 18 (white keys strip) and CC#19 (black keys strip), PitchWheel CC#17 and ModWheel CC#16.

And i have FATAR 88 keys TP/20 keybed.


I just cant do this without your help, so realy please.

Best wishes,


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Thank you for your time.

Heres my NG configuration:


SRIO num_sr=2
KEYBOARD n=1   rows=12  dout_sr1=1  dout_sr2=2  din_sr1=1  din_sr2=2 \
               din_inverted=0  break_inverted=0  din_key_offset=40 \
               scan_velocity=1  scan_optimized=0  note_offset=21 \
               delay_fastest=5  delay_fastest_black_keys=0  delay_slowest=100
EVENT_KB id=1  type=NoteOn chn=1 key=any use_key_number=1 range=0:127
AINSER n=1   enabled=1  cs=0  num_pins=64  resolution=7bit
AINSER pinrange=1:18:4065
AINSER pinrange=2:18:4065:spread_center
EVENT_AINSER id=1  type=CC         chn= 1 cc= 1  range=0:127
EVENT_AINSER id=2  type=PitchBend  chn= 1        range=0:16383
Keyboard working, pitch and mod wheel working.
Don't know howto add two aftertouch strips and sustain pedal.
Maybe you could help?

Best wishes,
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Am I right to think that your two aftertouch strips and the pedal are coming in as analogue inputs as well (apologies for my ignorance but I'm not using my midibox for synths)?


If so they should be added on your AINSER board as well. Considering that you are only using 7Bit resolution and the number of analogue inputs is quite small, have you considered using the core AIs?


My knowledge of midi is quite limited (so apologies for any blatant ignorance) but it seems to me that you are starting to overload your channel a bit. I assume that a single channel can handle CC signals, note signals and Pitchbends on the same channel as they are all different signal types but if you start adding analogue signals I wouldn't be surprised if you have to start using additional channels.


I'm not really expecting to have answered anything, just try to get the conversation going until one of the forum veterans joins in :smile:

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Ok. I'v got fully functional keyboard with velocity. Pitch/Mod wheels also working. But i cant get aftertouch working :(

I try to attach them to Vd and A3 A4 in the ainser64 module. In result i got jumping values and when i push aftertouch strip values stop jumping. 

If someone be so kind to help me with this, ii will be amazing.
Best wishes,

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Hi Michał,

I can't find wiring diagrams for aftertouch strips. I would however be very surprised if the strip does not have a ground reference. My guess is that it is piezo based in which case the strip will generate a voltage on stress/pressure. Try connecting it to Vs (aka ground) and A3 and respectively Vs and A4.

Edit: the Vd (supply voltage) on the AI connectors is mainly used to correctly use potentiometers as potential dividers.

Edit 2: thinking more about it. If you reference your aftertouch strip at the supply voltage you should read in a value which will be close to the maximum. You will get some noise on the measurement due to unshielded wiring and thus EMF pick up. If you now press the strip your reading will be over the limit of the analogue in which means it should stay steady at the maximum reading meaning it will stop to seem noisy ... simply as it is coerced to the maximum. If that's the case using Vs should solve your problem.

Edited by mumblecake
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It's not so easy.

The strips are 2 pins only and the tricky part is that when he is not pressed he dont close circuit.

So when i attached it to ground and A3, A4 it will be not grounded and will send signal.

When i press the strip the circuit will close and now he is grounded and dont send signal.

So he send signal when he is not pressed and dont send when pressed.

Same history is when i connect it to the Vd and A3...

Its a hard one, thats for sure.

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Hello Mathis,
Thank you for your time.

I'm not very good on this programming stuff.
Maybe you could help me and tell me howto invert or map the signal?
It will be very great to get this aftertouch working.

On the next week they will give me wood from cutting so i will be ready to build my digital piano :)
Best wishes,

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Try something like this:


EVENT_AINSER id=3  type=Aftertouch  ain_mode=switch chn= 1 range=0:127


it says that you also have to define a key value


I assume that aftertouch is a switch rather than analogue which is why I would try using the ain_mode=switch attribute. if the signal is inverted you can re-invert the signal by using range=127:0


as I said I have no experience with aftertouch so just have a little play with it :)

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Nope ;/

I try it and dont working.

Same sustain pedal dont want to work, i try the Switch and Toggle atribute, and nothing happende, and btw midibox ng dont have a sustain type of action ;(.

Maybe some forum veteran would help me but they dont look in this post so i guees i need to be satisfied without aftertouch and sustain pedal, and its really bad :(.

Thank your for your help Mathis :)

Best wishes,

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HAHAH! I did it!

Thank you Mathis, you get me in right way.

Indeed it was the ain_mode=switch parameter but i need to attach sustain pedal and aftertouch to J5A (A0,A1) on core module.

So I used something like this:

AIN enable_mask=110000

to enable pin A0 and A1 on J5A


and then:


EVENT_AIN id=1 type=Aftertouch chn= 1 range=0:127 ain_mode=switch lcd_pos=1:1:2  label="Aftertouch:      %3d%B"


and for the sustain pedal:


EVENT_AIN id=1 type=CC chn= 2 cc= 64 ain_mode=switch range=0:127 lcd_pos=1:1:2   label="SustainPedal:      %3d%B"


and pitch/mod wheels attached to the ainser module with:


AINSER n=1   enabled=1  cs=0  num_pins=64  resolution=7bit


AINSER pinrange=1:18:4065

AINSER pinrange=2:128:4065:spread_center
EVENT_AINSER id=1  type=CC         chn= 1 cc= 1 range=0:127   lcd_pos=1:1:2  label="ModWheel:      %3d%B"
EVENT_AINSER id=2  type=PitchBend  chn= 2       range=0:16383 lcd_pos=1:1:2  label="PitchBender: %5d%B"
and everything works just perfect!!!
For keyboard is somethink like this:
KEYBOARD n=1   rows=12  dout_sr1=1  dout_sr2=2  din_sr1=1  din_sr2=2 \
               din_inverted=0  break_inverted=0  din_key_offset=40 \
               scan_velocity=1  scan_optimized=1  note_offset=21 \
               delay_fastest=5  delay_fastest_black_keys=0  delay_slowest=100
EVENT_KB id=1  type=NoteOn chn=1 key=any use_key_number=1 range=0:127  lcd_pos=1:1:1 label="Note %n"
And i need to tell you that is working better than the original :D Velocity is very nice, i love it!
Thank you one more time.
Best wishes,
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I'm not sure I understand the above configuration correctly, but mono aftertouch (channel pressure) is not an on/off message, but a two-byte message with a 7-bit value as the data byte, i.e. 0-127.


And while it's true that excessive CC and aftertouch messages can clog the MIDI bus, putting them on different channels doesn't reduce the bandwith requirements and usually you want them on the same channels as your notes.

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  • 4 months later...


Please don't crosspost to multiple threads (most of them were irrelevant to your problem) - had to hide your posts with the same pictures in many other threads that had nothing to do with display troubles...

Also, posting a new problem to a four year old, basically closed thread made by someone else is NOT the way to go, best would have been to create a new topic in the "Troubleshooting forum section" with a meaningful title and a meaningful problem description, so that people can actually help you. But as it is already here...


To summarize: your 2x20 character display will work fine with MBSEQ but not with MBNG, where you are only seeing vertical bars?


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on mios studio [6138.770] Application: MIDIbox NG V1.036
[6138.770] MIDI Monitor: disabled
[6138.770] MIDI Monitor Filters: enabled
[6138.772] MIDI Monitor Tempo Display: disabled
[6138.772] Print AOUT Config: TODO
[6138.772] lcd_type: 0x00 - CLCD
[6138.772] lcd_num_x: 2
[6138.772] lcd_num_y: 1
[6138.772] lcd_width: 20
[6138.772] lcd_height: 2
[6138.772] Event Pool Number of Items: 198
[6138.772] Event Pool Allocation: 8636 of 65536 bytes (13%)

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